所在版块:体坛风云 发贴时间:2006-06-11 22:37  评分:

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SIR – I support football teams playing against England because of the constant drivel emanating from the English
media about their team's chances of winning the World Cup this year. Every time I open a newspaper, listen to the
radio or watch TV I am bombarded by commentators harking back to 1966, when England last won the cup. I
cannot escape it. And if they do win, I will not be able to bear the self-congratulatory books and TV programmes
about “How we won the World Cup” that will go on and on for the next 40 years.
Andrew Small
Pencaitland, East Lothian

名士不必须奇才,但使常得无事,痛饮酒, 熟读《离骚》,便可称名士
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