所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2005-03-06 05:01

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
From HCMC to HK, it is an analogy.

Saigon is the birth, hopeful, with some baggage of endowment, but generally impoverished.

Hoi An, is the child, tranquil though a little timid.

Danang, is the boy, driving a lively temperament, but absenting beautiful playfulness

Hanoi, is the high school youngster, striving and rebelling, in a bureaucratic mandarin microcosm.

Ha Long Bay, is the sophomore, free and easy, play with all resources, however, not resourcefully.

Shang Shuo, is the final year student, shaky, but withstood the rugged road paved by himself.

Guang Zhou, is the present, cosmopolitan but not transcendent.

Hong Kong, is the departure point, the future; what does the grandiose figure symbolize? How is the induction?


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