Phuket, Tsunami
所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2005-10-29 23:40  评分:

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My friend's friend, diving teacher, he worked as normal on that day...

Deep in water, suddenly all fish around gone, damn dark

Floated up to water surface, everything were swept away

People in deep water were not affected by the Tsunami, because the wave came from sea surface? I dono the reason, but the story is true...

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【本周话题】(十月二日)我在旅行中最惊险的回忆 庸人   (338 bytes , 2222reads )
以前在国内旅行的时候 Billion   (866 bytes , 460reads )
看了大家的经历, 我觉得 暮落残墙@   (1277 bytes , 497reads )
顶。说一件我在黄鹤楼脚下碰到的事情 沈喑   (542 bytes , 502reads )
也是假钞的故事 暮落残墙@   (1933 bytes , 404reads )
彪悍啊,佩服佩服 绿豆芽   (0 bytes , 224reads )
在广州火车站的26小时 winniepooh   (431 bytes , 591reads )
在柬埔寨的一次 大象   (810 bytes , 685reads )
有类似经验。。。 crystalrainbow   (690 bytes , 508reads )
A historical story happened in central china. Transhumanist   (523 bytes , 502reads )
Coding Problem (re-post) Transhumanist   (456 bytes , 343reads )
Phuket, Tsunami crystalrainbow   (332 bytes , 585reads )
discovery曾经放过一个关于tsunami的片子 三点   (404 bytes , 431reads )
Drifted In Deep Forest in Borneo, a boat crashed with mine, Transhumanist   (130 bytes , 361reads )
罗马地铁上惊魂三分钟 格格   (1937 bytes , 768reads )
熟悉的地名。 嗬嗬,republic ! 美丽猪   (132 bytes , 346reads )
天啊~ 美丽猪   (95 bytes , 307reads )
已改计划为瑞士德国 梅花宝剑   (126 bytes , 469reads )
pity you 美丽猪   (261 bytes , 377reads )
some suggestions about security when travelling simon   (248 bytes , 421reads )
third point is difficult when u have luggage icky   (0 bytes , 324reads )
有一点后怕 blackhawk   (99 bytes , 553reads )
不会吧…… Sunshine   (200 bytes , 365reads )
我这个不算惊险,倒是很刺激,大家可以看看照片自己评价一下。。 南瓜   (377 bytes , 980reads )
我考,好像是我们一起去得吧!!是不是我给你照得~~~ 羊肉泡馍   (0 bytes , 241reads )
小仙拍的 ^_^ 南瓜   (0 bytes , 252reads )
你不算啥,给你拍照片那个哥们儿真牛比。。。 mkx   (0 bytes , 328reads )
我靠 梅花宝剑   (44 bytes , 485reads )
不对啊! 梅花宝剑   (29 bytes , 492reads )
神了。。。0_0 南瓜   (0 bytes , 266reads )
ahhhh~~ 鱼片粥   (30 bytes , 403reads )
华山长空栈道!顶! Sunshine   (0 bytes , 323reads )
恐怖 梅花宝剑   (10 bytes , 351reads )
大概就是那次在Pulau Pangkor的经验了 沈喑   (169 bytes , 548reads )
巴厘岛险遭秧 Sunshine   (336 bytes , 1044reads )
我一向都是跟路边儿吃的,恐怖分子都下不了手啊 mkx   (0 bytes , 230reads )
专业的炸餐馆, 业余的炸市集。。。 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 296reads )
黑啊,太黑啦 梅花宝剑   (0 bytes , 243reads )
我的天!看来还是胃口小点比较不容易出事! 南瓜   (0 bytes , 244reads )
谢谢各位!我们当时无惊无险,只是回想起来够可怕的。 Sunshine   (0 bytes , 223reads )
好惊险呀 icky   (20 bytes , 309reads )
这个够惊险! 庸人   (241 bytes , 417reads )
那么这样我还能偏点分儿 梅花宝剑   (448 bytes , 458reads )
汗, 慰问一下。。。 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 248reads )
my goodness, hope you are fine! 大象   (18 bytes , 298reads )
土耳其cappodocia山里迷路 阿黛   (614 bytes , 612reads )
峨眉山上遇泼猴,不算惊险 澳洲野狗   (649 bytes , 472reads )
还是我的比较恐怖 zizi   (947 bytes , 590reads )
临黄山之螯鱼背 梅花宝剑   (291 bytes , 574reads )
暂无,也不希望有。 TPMT   (0 bytes , 250reads )
有些小意外,不值得一提。 TPMT   (0 bytes , 270reads )
基本安全 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 271reads )
无惊无险 mkx   (0 bytes , 247reads )