所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2008-01-03 11:48

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异族代言人 The most unpleasant thing about human beings is that they don't metamorphose. Your people and mine are born as grubs, but we transform ourselves into a higher form before we reproduce. Human beings remain grubs all their lives.-- 《Xenocide》
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请教,先去荷兰4天,再去德国4天,申根签证申请哪个国家呢? 明月楼   (222 bytes , 759reads )
荷兰比较慢 ahmee   (52 bytes , 439reads )
德国 庸人   (167 bytes , 436reads )
你确定吗? K-K   (77 bytes , 398reads )
我从来就没有从比利时入过申根国 庸人   (99 bytes , 420reads )
多谢~~~ 明月楼   (0 bytes , 249reads )
啊,主要是怕到了荷兰不让我进。。。 明月楼   (0 bytes , 263reads )