所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2015-11-24 09:41

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重返雅鲁藏布大峡谷无人区 Billion   (684 bytes , 2484reads )
照片太美 aiiwaa   (81 bytes , 47reads )
膜拜! 不会飞的云   (18 bytes , 38reads )
more Billion   (565 bytes , 64reads )
棒棒哒 claireooi   (0 bytes , 71reads )
期间肯定看到很多震撼的自然景观,天堂,脚下的是累,走不动。什么感受 y00y   (94 bytes , 82reads )
这次因伤退出很遗憾,实际无人区里面只有12天 Billion   (132 bytes , 57reads )
膜拜牛人。 Todder   (0 bytes , 46reads )
只能膜拜了~~~ 大禹无奈   (0 bytes , 43reads )
专门登录顶lz... TPMT   (0 bytes , 51reads )
佩服,期待更多照片 Zeisser   (89 bytes , 97reads )
多谢多谢,曾经想找没找到 Billion   (836 bytes , 127reads )
好美哇 冰镇荔枝   (2 bytes , 43reads )
One single step toward Pemako is to be liberated from mundane existence Billion   (594 bytes , 165reads )
好图,不过如果能写点注释什么的就更好了,哈哈· 鱼片粥   (59 bytes , 48reads )
尽力而为吧 Billion   (581 bytes , 76reads )
果然一张照片后面这么长的故事,不过这样的队友真是不省心啊.... 鱼片粥   (38 bytes , 63reads )
羚牛皮没用,牛腿吃了 Billion   (172 bytes , 59reads )
每次看到发帖后的图片宽度都很郁闷 Billion   (483 bytes , 86reads )
年纪大了不如以前跳湛还是要安全第一... 鱼片粥   (42 bytes , 73reads )
昨天Heart of the World的作者Ian Baker Billion   (54 bytes , 79reads )
恩。。 探索的神奇。 jjzhuozhuo   (255 bytes , 53reads )
牛! huzyuchc   (56 bytes , 69reads )
受伤了?没大碍吧 果子把儿   (80 bytes , 60reads )
没大碍 Billion   (147 bytes , 74reads )
好惊险。小时候书上说遇到熊人可以装死熊就不理睬了,可不可行啊? 克服浮躁   (354 bytes , 57reads )
不可行,碰到你就知道了 Billion   (93 bytes , 75reads )
谢谢分享。 克服浮躁   (12 bytes , 49reads )
好好休养, 以后带仔一起 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 76reads )
好好休养 果子把儿   (51 bytes , 60reads )
真美呀! yiyaoa   (0 bytes , 45reads )
太美了,大赞! 亞發   (0 bytes , 70reads )
hdeksa   (10 bytes , 60reads )
好棒!!! 小馋牛   (10 bytes , 70reads )
美,大赞 千帆过   (0 bytes , 95reads )
赞,震撼! 清晨细雨   (0 bytes , 56reads )
牛人啊 lauchris   (51 bytes , 58reads )
没事闲聊 Billion   (155 bytes , 76reads )
太赞了!! ffnffn   (0 bytes , 63reads )
好美啊 于默然   (57 bytes , 53reads )
猛士啊! sunnylau2   (0 bytes , 59reads )
专门 崖士蛮   (31 bytes , 50reads )
果然牛逼。、。 行李寄存服务   (32 bytes , 50reads )
赞 等美图美文   (0 bytes , 69reads )
Cindy1987   (0 bytes , 61reads )
牛逼啊... 华新藏龙卧虎,,, 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 51reads )