所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2006-03-23 05:15

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
value type 测试

<a href="http://www.tickle.com"><font color="blue">http://www.tickle.com</font></a><br>

4.95USD/7days, 我觉得很便宜了

my type is Resourceful Independent.

part of my Value Report:

"You've earned this title because you appear to know that in this world, you need to look out for number one. As a result, you're more prepared than most people are to do whatever is necessary to take care of yourself. In fact, you likely expend significant effort to see that your needs and best interests are met, so long as the actions are within your ethical boundaries. You probably expect that others would do as much, so why shouldn't you?

People like you typically feel strongly about following through on your promises. This is great news for the friends or family members who may seek out your help. They likely already know that when you say you will do something, they can generally rely on your word. Others also likely appreciate that you are willing to be responsible for your own actions and welfare. It's a fine quality to know how to accept either credit or blame when it is due. This kind of self-reliance has likely served you well.

Who You're Compatible With
Besides people of your own type, the two types that are the best matches for you are the Privacy Guardian and Loyal Rebel...."


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