you always think i'm looking for perfect match.
所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2007-09-05 16:06

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Com'on, I'm not, ok? I fully understand what you mean, however, I don't think I'll just fall in love for a girl I don't even like to get along with. Nevertheless, there are persons you think who can only be your friends like Eugenia.

I kept myself available almost all the time duirng 9 years staying in Singapore. Yet some people still think i'm a casanova. What the hell!

I have met girls I like, but they don't like me, so that's the end! Life's not always at your favor.

However, I can tell you I will not lower my standard because once you were into a relationship that you don't satisfy and you meet sb. else you feel better with later, you will be in deep shit. Many of my friends have had this situation and they were pissed off, struggling hard to get out of it. They always feel regretful. That's why I'm not going to repeat their failures by just keeping my standard at my will. It may cost my whole life searching for a soulmate, yet it's definitely worth it once you find one.

Perfect Yourself First! Perfect Myself First!
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