Not that simple
所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2009-04-17 14:46

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
In my life I’ve made many mistakes; of course I’ve had successes too, however I’ve only recently come to the phase of addressing limitations through others. Everyone has his/her limitations. Working on everyone's own limitations is for sure beneficial. Some people can just amaze me in their ability to grow beyond themselves perennially. For most of us, we cannot go beyond ourselves that easily. But there are also several other aspects of addressing limitations. One of which is to find people who are strong in areas that you are limited.

First, for me, it helps to get a partner that "能忽悠" or talk like G.W.Bush. LOL. I just cannot make myself sound interesting.

Second, I think it provides you critical leverage in start-up if you get a VC as bf. However, VC do not want entrepreneurs as their partners in general. That does not prohibit you from getting a relationship with a VC, but it does not give you the chance of growing something from nothing with your beloved partner.

In fact, I do not care whether she is a VC. I do not look at her position, job, or money. To me, the only important thing is to grow something from nothing with a beloved partner.


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Not that simple 转世的迷惑丐帮   (1178 bytes , 384reads )
需要忽悠吗? 无聊至极   (181 bytes , 231reads )
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well, 有點意思 转世的迷惑丐帮   (2185 bytes , 431reads )
这样就更清楚了,不过 毒鼠强   (198 bytes , 293reads )
的确,请问 转世的迷惑丐帮   (139 bytes , 300reads )
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concentrate* 转世的迷惑丐帮   (41 bytes , 290reads )
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what i mean is that, his either chinese or english 毒鼠强   (293 bytes , 229reads )
没有贬低您的意思 低俗小说   (76 bytes , 297reads )
i understand.. 毒鼠强   (67 bytes , 185reads )
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才女都很惨的。嗯。。 毒鼠强   (0 bytes , 213reads )
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An excellent question,比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候 转世的迷惑丐帮   (2137 bytes , 414reads )
九妹   (0 bytes , 177reads )
哈~ 赞“又”~ ^^~ 柴刀女   (0 bytes , 183reads )
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