所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2009-08-17 13:15

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
湖北人 这里报道~寻求一块出游~有想法,有意愿,有动力的人,冒个泡泡吧~ SOS熙   (191 bytes , 1366reads )
武大校友会,来否 wyl   (46 bytes , 414reads )
不是武大的 能否去哇~~呵呵 SOS熙   (0 bytes , 243reads )
Chinatown新开了家武汉菜馆(好像在Chinatown Point的一楼), 我是一颗菠萝   (20 bytes , 401reads )
做小白鼠试吃过了卤藕,豆皮和米酒,都不怎么样。报道完毕。 我是一颗菠萝   (0 bytes , 313reads )
听说不好吃。。 SOS熙   (0 bytes , 291reads )
还有武汉菜么???我怎么从来不知道。。。我只知道武汉小吃。。。 Laughing哥   (0 bytes , 326reads )
去过,一般 童话   (0 bytes , 287reads )
百忙之中也来冒个泡泡 童话   (0 bytes , 317reads )
哇,,,真的是很忙。。。 SOS熙   (0 bytes , 281reads )
老衲西方云游刚刚回来,见贴顶之 小和尚花花   (0 bytes , 304reads )
小和尚西方云游刚刚回来 无聊至极   (34 bytes , 327reads )
小和尚下山去化斋,老和尚有交待,。。。。。xxxxxx Laughing哥   (36 bytes , 369reads )
lets go to the coming cosplay event XD Kula   (0 bytes , 328reads )
怎么突然全部是英文了??? Laughing哥   (0 bytes , 256reads )
说中文不好意思嘛 毒鼠强   (0 bytes , 257reads )
go back and have dinner... iloveyouso   (0 bytes , 281reads )
I am interested. 水鸭子   (71 bytes , 361reads )
welcome :) Kula   (284 bytes , 287reads )
哪天哪个时段是看cosplay的高峰期? 水鸭子   (0 bytes , 320reads )
actually both day got ppl come Kula   (27 bytes , 314reads )
Im too old for this stuff... Laughing哥   (0 bytes , 286reads )
go to see PLMM in the event! Look for my post in 玩E时代 Kula   (0 bytes , 334reads )
也!你照片发了哇·? SOS熙   (0 bytes , 294reads )
NO MATTER SOS熙   (0 bytes , 294reads )
you are never old, have a young heart ! Kula   (0 bytes , 282reads )
Laughing哥是湖北地...来支持你 Laughing哥   (34 bytes , 360reads )