drd can speed up lvling when reaching lv 20, cat form ftw
所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2009-10-06 13:11

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and now lv 20 can buy mount alrdy...but if play on self.....good luck...

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初来华新 流浪无度   (298 bytes , 1299reads )
蒸友需要说身高么,动机不纯~ Tia_Maria   (0 bytes , 205reads )
那说征友能说什么呢? 以您的高见,指点一二行不? 流浪无度   (0 bytes , 265reads )
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歪楼从这里开始的。。狠批Kula 瞎说实话   (0 bytes , 178reads )
LOLX, it's just a humble suggestion Kula   (0 bytes , 292reads )
我没意见,你负责找人。。。 小豆   (0 bytes , 191reads )
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durid solo level damn slow >_<, unless someone power lv you in SM Kula   (0 bytes , 253reads )
drd can speed up lvling when reaching lv 20, cat form ftw 小豆   (72 bytes , 242reads )
who? me? Tia_Maria   (0 bytes , 201reads )
if u come to my realm in US servers, i can help u run low-level instances, lol 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 256reads )
爪子挠的慢死了,不过我也没玩儿过别的职业,纠结…… Tia_Maria   (50 bytes , 182reads )
我只有美服的,但是亚洲时区的semi-prof工会不好找啊。。 小豆   (111 bytes , 268reads )
只要能所有boss打个招呼就好了... Kula   (158 bytes , 249reads )
i dunt really mind raiding or not, as u said, just try to say hi to all bosses 小豆   (0 bytes , 260reads )
i've nv been to any raid except for karazan, help me~~~~ 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 196reads )
什么黑龙,哈卡,双子的都问个好,恩恩…… Tia_Maria   (0 bytes , 206reads )
来美服drenden 来拯救我吧, 我下个英雄副本都找不到人~~~~ >.< 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 284reads )
难道你是惩戒骑? Kula   (0 bytes , 181reads )
相当dder,怎么也要5人本3k+吧。。 小豆   (105 bytes , 228reads )
mage over dps me? not gonna happen... 小豆   (24 bytes , 229reads )
你快回来~~~~ 瞎说实话   (107 bytes , 209reads )
什么意思啊? 不明白。 流浪无度   (18 bytes , 273reads )
你别理kula这个宅男,他和我一样的无聊>< 小豆   (0 bytes , 215reads )
八卦一下哈 水鸭子   (28 bytes , 268reads )
嗯,I dont mind your help XD OTL Kula   (40 bytes , 266reads )
You must help yourself first.... 水鸭子   (0 bytes , 322reads )
他也有了~~~ 西蜀霸王   (45 bytes , 263reads )
Hell ya, my precious XDDDDDDD Kula   (0 bytes , 217reads )