Love is also science, but not bussiness
所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2010-03-08 20:50

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math, physics, chemistry and biology... are all invovled

That's why people say that love is a chemical reaction......

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新的一年,新的开始,高调觅男友 zheng2010   (2803 bytes , 1956reads )
Love is a feeling, not a science coolkid642   (189 bytes , 342reads )
Love is also science, but not bussiness Nemo   (118 bytes , 327reads )
wahaha..interesting theory. Guess there are many ways to the kingdom of love. coolkid642   (279 bytes , 401reads )
those things you never need to learn, it's in you, when it comes, you will know Nemo   (242 bytes , 247reads )
偶非PR,非citizen, 闪过 榨菜加稀饭   (0 bytes , 285reads )
支持下~ mm我看好你哦~~ ^^ 尘微   (0 bytes , 247reads )
195 老高的。。 邓可   (0 bytes , 253reads )
放北欧人种里算一般的,那男的平均1.84, 女的1.70, 中国男1.7女1.57 Nemo   (0 bytes , 450reads )
标准面试题。。。 闻影   (0 bytes , 333reads )
可以考虑以后做个模板,记得注明引用地址哦 zheng2010   (0 bytes , 292reads )
同意。。。 小传人   (0 bytes , 266reads )
给了个问卷主要是不想和陌生的id聊天时老问这些问题,太没有效率了 zheng2010   (114 bytes , 360reads )
简单明了,挺好,祝福你,看来还是我比较随遇而安 hello2000   (78 bytes , 285reads )
记得有个恋爱时正着读,分手时倒着读的问卷。。。 Nemo   (0 bytes , 365reads )
看到过类似的问答,不过不是恋爱的,是工作的。正着读和倒着读意思完全不一样…… 尘微   (0 bytes , 296reads )
you looking for a relationship based on questionaire 门中木   (17 bytes , 332reads )
支持一下。 恋旧 + 狠心,可能是天蝎。 box   (44 bytes , 387reads )
支持一个~LZ是巨蟹座的? 宅男主义   (0 bytes , 253reads )