10月20日 Museum of the Horror 的11张票已经买好了。
2 Orchard Link
Warehouse (2nd Floor)
Singapore 237978
*SCAPE Hotline: 6521 6565

我们于10月20日周六下午7:00 313@Somerset 5楼food court集合吃饭。如果早到了又互相有联系方式的话自行接头。
吃完饭以后向Museum of the Horror进发。
结束后看大家喜欢什么再去after party吧。
•Please exchange your Ticketbooth email confirmation and/or Ticketbooth ticket at the *SCAPE customer service counter (level 2) for MOH III tickets, to gain entry into MOH III.
•*SCAPE retail vouchers will be issued during the exchange.
•*SCAPE retail vouchers given out will feature a mixture of tenants, at *SCAPE’s discretion. No choosing or exchange of vouchers is allowed.
Terms and Conditions:
1.One ticket admits one (1) person per day only, for one (1) experience.
2.Children below the age of 12 will not be allowed to enter. Proper identification and a valid ticket are required for entry into premises.
3.Tickets sold are not refundable and not exchangeable.
4.*SCAPE retail vouchers given out will feature a mixture of tenants, at *SCAPE’s discretion. No choosing or exchange of vouchers is allowed.
5.Customers must retain their tickets at all times whilst attending the Museum of Horrors III.
6.The organisers may, without refund or compensation, refuse admission or to expel any person whose conduct is disorderly or disruptive, and/or where such persons breach any of the terms stated herein or cause discomfort or annoyance to others.
7.Due to flashing light and smoke effects, the Museum of Horrors III is not suitable for epileptics or persons suffering from asthma. It is also not recommended for pregnant women or persons with heart conditions.
8.Customers should be aware that due to the nature of the Museum of Horrors III, the actors may make physical contact with the customers.
9.Customers are not permitted to bring torches, lasers or any other light sources into the event.
10.Museum of Horrors III reserves the right to check the contents of customers’ bags and pockets for any prohibited items before the start of Museum of Horrors III.
11.The organisers may postpone, cancel, interrupt or stop the event, due to dangerous situations or causes beyond its reasonable control.
12.The organisers reserve the right to prevent entry or to exit from the premises any customer who is deemed to have wrong entry conditions, poor health or poor mental state.
13.The ticket holder voluntarily assumes all risks and dangers incidental to the event whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual event, including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or liability.
14.The organisers reserve the right to amend all terms & conditions without prior notice.
