所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2014-06-03 23:03

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Metaphysics and mythology
aether (classical element), the material supposed to fill the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere
Aether (mythology) was the personification of the "upper sky", space and heaven, in Greek mythology

Science and engineering
aether theories in alchemy, natural philosophy, and early modern physics that suppose a "fifth element"
luminiferous aether, in late nineteenth century physics considered to be the medium through which light propagates
ether, a class of chemical compounds, or specifically: diethyl ether, which has the common name "ether"


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转载-莫言:把不喜欢的人忘掉 小寒   (2057 bytes , 1044reads )
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AGA   (169 bytes , 70reads )
哈哈,笑岔气了:) Aether   (73 bytes , 49reads )
哈哈哈 人总要长大啊 AGA   (26 bytes , 53reads )
你谷歌一下啊,Aether是没有实体的啊,你对着虚空弹啊 Aether   (42 bytes , 54reads )
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都在google上了啊,aether啊,传闻是 Aether   (591 bytes , 71reads )
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这不好吧,直接叫碎叫阿,阿拉会害羞啊 Aether   (60 bytes , 49reads )
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网络上的名人名言都是假的--詹天佑。 济癫   (0 bytes , 111reads )
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为什么要忘掉呢~太刻意了 小馋牛   (14 bytes , 63reads )
有道理,不过真要完全忘记一个人还是很难啊 Cogitoergosum   (37 bytes , 57reads )
这可能是莫言写的吗。。。。 _珊小妮_   (104 bytes , 85reads )
我是不负责任的转载 小寒   (8 bytes , 68reads )
作者自欺欺人。。。人类大脑十分复杂的,想忘掉人/事何其困难 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 49reads )
是不是ls的大脑开发的太多了?如果人人回到小孩子的脑力水平,就容易了。[…] 小寒   (71 bytes , 48reads )
仰慕文中提到的“极致的喜欢” moon66   (172 bytes , 60reads )
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  寒版我好稀饭你!! 暗霓   (14 bytes , 58reads )