As to my knowledge...
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-06-08 21:05

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
It's not considered breaking the contract if your payroll is in Singapore, i.e. your payroll is under a subsidiary / holding company of the foreign company. It's categorized into "oversea posting".

However, if your payroll is be to under the company in Holland, you are considered breaking the contract.

In the long run we are all dead. - John Keynes
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求教 - 去国外工作 louis   (487 bytes , 1899reads )
其实只涉及到个人诚信问题。MOE是不会真的去抓你的 飞儿   (504 bytes , 640reads )
long term post? There are also such cases in 2000 batch ropin   (0 bytes , 325reads )
This is a 2-year contract. Can you provide the details? Thank you very much! louis   (72 bytes , 431reads )
As to my knowledge... 请合法使用软件   (304 bytes , 510reads )
easy to distinguish. if you get CPF then you are local 海风   (38 bytes , 339reads )
how did you find this overseas job? Will interview be done over phone or else? Update   (0 bytes , 230reads )
Actually the job fund me louis   (888 bytes , 598reads )
If you want to defer 周星驰   (318 bytes , 491reads )
呵呵, 谢谢解答, 不过大家好像误解我的意思了 louis   (245 bytes , 645reads )
就我知道的, 这样的case会被当成是毁约 江南渔夫   (256 bytes , 755reads )
6,7万和10多万是新币还是RMB? RMB的话似乎少了点, 新币的话是不是有点多啊~~ louis   (0 bytes , 359reads )
新币, 很正常啊 江南渔夫   (61 bytes , 332reads )
也听说过有人放了10多万的deposit在MOE 无名   (95 bytes , 522reads )
前3年应该是当地的PR或者local帮你担保的tuition。 无名   (153 bytes , 458reads )
这是很敏感的问题哦 江南渔夫   (110 bytes , 643reads )
我不是想跑,我就是想负责任啊. 我是想知道以前有没有人负责,怎样负责? louis   (0 bytes , 332reads )
我那届有人赔了28万人民币给MOE,也有一分钱没给的。。。 Garry   (168 bytes , 485reads )
担保人通常是父母吧,所谓跑的了和尚跑不了庙。。。 dfren   (0 bytes , 292reads )
that's just for scholarship 海风   (20 bytes , 291reads )
自己直接去MOE问问吧 realtwo   (157 bytes , 409reads )