it may helps
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-06-23 00:45  评分:

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(copied from IRAS website)

Q5: Does my employer need to inform IRAS if I cease employment with the company?

Yes, your employer needs to seek tax clearance by:
• Informing IRAS at least one month before you cease employment or leave Singapore; and
• Withholding any monies due to you until tax clearance is given or 30 days after we have received your employer's notification, whichever is earlier.

However if you are a Singapore Permanent Resident and you are merely changing jobs in Singapore, your employer does not have to seek tax clearance unless you are leaving Singapore permanently.

Q2: 关于退税的问题,我也不知道具体操作是怎样的。最好还是问IRAS. 电话或是email都会有回复的。


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紧急求救!! 希望各位了解情况的大侠能帮我解答一下! 非常非常感谢! vivijane   (318 bytes , 1351reads )
如果你是PR,相信这个对你有用Letter of Undertaking Fluxray   (674 bytes , 415reads )
call or email iras to say that 邓可   (280 bytes , 265reads )
ask iras will also be a good idea, they will explain everything to u 笑眯眯   (130 bytes , 208reads )
iras tax rates and Residence Status - define your own situation first 笑眯眯   (310 bytes , 265reads )
这个很正常,但是比例太高了。 大猩猩   (224 bytes , 388reads )
about 15% Q+Q   (111 bytes , 291reads )
请问能说的详细一点吗?还有没有其他人知道情况的?谢谢 vivijane   (217 bytes , 270reads )
恐怕你确实需要付15%的税 JYH   (431 bytes , 341reads )
谢谢你的信息和提醒. vivijane   (201 bytes , 234reads )
第三年要求退稅,no problem 3A   (88 bytes , 251reads )
it may helps Q+Q   (713 bytes , 290reads )