This case is interesting, can you elaborate a bit more?
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-06-23 14:02  评分:

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1. How can you get Employment Pass while you are still an international exchange student.

2. If you get Employment Pass, that means you are in formal employment with some orgnization, then how come your salary is paid in the form of housing allowance?

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我是国际交换学生,但拿的是EP,salary内容是house allowance,应该怎样申请PR? summer411   (0 bytes , 420reads )
This case is interesting, can you elaborate a bit more? 知非   (254 bytes , 306reads )
详细,谢谢知非 summer411   (130 bytes , 278reads )
详细,谢谢知非。 summer411   (178 bytes , 347reads )
Without a local degree, I don't think you can directly apply PR 大象   (111 bytes , 267reads )