所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-02-21 10:06

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捧大象gg场,分享近期找工心得:) parrot   (3525 bytes , 3566reads )
坚持就是胜利! banban   (0 bytes , 215reads )
HI, Parrot Jie :) blackbarry   (212 bytes , 463reads )
btw, forgot to say thank you. and more importantly parrot   (710 bytes , 465reads )
-_-!!! Meteor   (204 bytes , 446reads )
OMG, i know who u r liao. ur -_-!!! thing! parrot   (87 bytes , 388reads )
其实。。。我就是想说 Meteor   (23 bytes , 362reads )
somebody is mensaoing again! parrot   (0 bytes , 248reads )
i am working in education / licensing business now parrot   (196 bytes , 422reads )
原来发表个人意见还要理由哦 flybird111   (185 bytes , 517reads )
啊呀呀,“个人认为”激动的是你吧。。。 parrot   (287 bytes , 489reads )
"个人认为" 纯不适合热带气候, 因为丛林法则向来是适者生存. box   (123 bytes , 335reads )
知道大染缸已经很不容易 梅花宝剑   (152 bytes , 342reads )
嗯, 酒还是要喝的, 烟还是要吸的, 饭还是要吃的. box   (54 bytes , 303reads )
大象gg,不要随便给人家碎心嘛,做人要厚道! parrot   (0 bytes , 278reads )
it's me felix   (0 bytes , 227reads )
hehe not me actually... 大象   (106 bytes , 335reads )
个人认为比较幼稚 flybird111   (0 bytes , 379reads )
flybird111, 和大家分享一下你觉得哪里幼稚吧。 parrot   (128 bytes , 402reads )
很多东西看似容易,做起来不易 scm   (143 bytes , 380reads )
当然可以,我被原老板返聘啦,挣点part-time的零花钱 parrot   (313 bytes , 494reads )
hehe, i am still a kid, but learning and growing up every day parrot   (94 bytes , 306reads )
女生嘛,始终会感性一些 simon   (0 bytes , 264reads )
一不小心看成“女生嘛,始终会性感一些。。。” 革命浪漫主义   (0 bytes , 277reads )
no sense to readers without elaboration RMA   (0 bytes , 396reads )
其实你说的都是做人的道理 海风   (46 bytes , 460reads )
顶~~ 易杰   (18 bytes , 445reads )
乖!:) parrot   (0 bytes , 220reads )
偶的读后感 box   (18 bytes , 512reads )
谢谢捧场! 大象   (139 bytes , 552reads )
大象爷爷,我要桃桃!! parrot   (33 bytes , 331reads )
你给我说清楚了。 吞并日本   (40 bytes , 296reads )
haha ^()^   (35 bytes , 670reads )
hmm... i like Miriam Yeung! :P simon   (0 bytes , 238reads )
Simon!!! u know who i am ok, dun play here lah!!! parrot   (0 bytes , 291reads )
fox!!! 不许泄漏个人隐私!!! parrot   (0 bytes , 287reads )
呵呵,见过你的人都知道是你! scm   (115 bytes , 356reads )
Little bird......^()^ sahi   (0 bytes , 258reads )