anyway 3 months can not be called "long term"
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-02-23 21:17

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anyway 3 months can not be called "long term" 香陵居士   (19 bytes , 496reads )
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could you tell us specific area? Finance? Accounting? HR? Mgmt? simon   (0 bytes , 380reads )
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NUS and NUS 商学院博士毕业前景看好 porter   (83 bytes , 622reads )
好像没那么容易吧。即使你发了Top Level journal的paper也不容易。 scm   (0 bytes , 281reads )
万事皆不易 porter   (511 bytes , 481reads )
另,从你交论文到拿到学位至少一年,怎么打发这一年你也得提前准备着。 scm   (175 bytes , 369reads )
建议看看往界毕业生的去向。另努力得再多一方面 scm   (60 bytes , 333reads )
是的,关系很重要。 williamson   (0 bytes , 351reads )
I searched in Rice business school directory and found no such person? simon   (0 bytes , 264reads )
He is now sitting on the editoral board of a very top journal. williamson   (0 bytes , 378reads )
Which journal? How can he make it? I browsed his publications and found scm   (91 bytes , 301reads )
oh. sorry, I found him simon   (0 bytes , 227reads )
改标题,NTU and NUS 商学院博士毕业前景看好 porter   (0 bytes , 614reads )
现在连奖学金的延期都申请不到,还找工作前景乐观? suxa   (0 bytes , 356reads )
pacing, timing, good luck! williamson   (0 bytes , 339reads )
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圈内人士发言了。 scm   (0 bytes , 294reads )