Accenture only fits for some special group of people, but Accenture is good
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-06-27 00:02  评分:

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There is great difference between solution (they call it SWF, Software WorkForce) and Consulting track. SWF pays much less and do more technical work. Consulting roles will have more opportunities and definitely a fast track. If you wanna learn technology, AC is not a good place while consulting is their strength.

AC does have long working hours and managers will push very hard to keep you busy. i used to receive calls from managers at 1:00am midnight. High pressure and high self recognization will be suitable for some group of people who tend to stay in AC for many years, and they really learn a lot and fast. those who cant afford the culture and workload, will leave within a year. Employee may feel the company is cold and cruel but people can grow very fast inside. AC is very strong in management and control. Grab that skill, which will benefit your career in future.

Basically you are choosing 2 LOB, consulting and industry. It really depends on your personality and career plan. choose the one suitable for you, otherwise you will suffer.

if you wanna try consulting without giving up work-life balance, you can check out IBM Business Consulting Service (they rename it to Global Business Services). again, choose the one fit you. Good Luck.

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