所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-11-22 14:53

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在最开始的那一秒 有些事早已经注定要到老
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
有人收到在Plaza by the park的面试吗?没听清什末bank, 汗! waqq   (0 bytes , 956reads )
standard chartered got deadline for application or not? thx.. 绿松石   (48 bytes , 309reads )
why not apply early? I forget the deadline. Nov or Dec? waqq   (0 bytes , 325reads )
据说是明天…… 昨是今非旧时光   (14 bytes , 217reads )
你面试完了没?给点tips吧~~ 昨是今非旧时光   (6 bytes , 203reads )
没问我technical 的问题, 不知是否和部门有关。 waqq   (84 bytes , 360reads )
thanks~~真是好人呀 昨是今非旧时光   (42 bytes , 258reads )
Standard Chartered 几轮面试啊? waqq   (0 bytes , 324reads )
这个问题我问过HRmm,她也8知道…… 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 224reads )
谢谢,我去看了,是standard chartered. 那Graduate program第一轮面试会是怎样的呢? waqq   (14 bytes , 404reads )
同紧张。另外想问plaza by the park在哪?靠近哪个mrt? 昨是今非旧时光   (68 bytes , 312reads )
问我 purple-candice   (177 bytes , 449reads )
不一定是四楼吧 四季豆   (22 bytes , 271reads )
city hall MRT. can walk there from MRT ropin   (0 bytes , 233reads )
Level ten, 好像靠近多美歌,我打的去的。 waqq   (63 bytes , 361reads )
好像没办法看…… 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 209reads )
打电话给HRmm. 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 250reads )
打电话全都是mailbox, 写email也没人回...... waqq   (0 bytes , 287reads )
星期1我才刚去过那 purple-candice   (33 bytes , 382reads )
大汗~~~ 海风   (12 bytes , 433reads )
standard chartered 吧~ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 278reads )