wow...then, lot of money made due to over time...
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-12-01 13:51

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don't u think a need for balancing between work and life?
Ur husband must be frustrated after work coz no one cooks for him huh?^-^

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请问银行的待遇和前景这么有吸引力吗? 班禅额尔德尼   (32 bytes , 1696reads )
IB 越投越没有信心了 blueblue   (33 bytes , 541reads )
同感 心痛失败   (0 bytes , 228reads )
i guess only my previous banks are 朝九晚七 for a front role... frpapaya   (481 bytes , 707reads )
So How about your team? Dougan   (108 bytes , 353reads )
yup. i forgot to check my dept head is whether single or married 四季豆   (18 bytes , 339reads )
frpapaya 你在银行是什么function,现在是什么title呢 TCBY   (17 bytes , 411reads )
quantz for 3yr, head for 1.5yr, now...hehe.... frpapaya   (15 bytes , 546reads )
Vow...quantz..r u Ph.D. or have other advanced degree? TCBY   (76 bytes , 453reads )
想早点退休享福就进bank吧,呵呵 绿松石   (0 bytes , 317reads )
不好说 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 634reads )
菜菜就要退休了吧? coolapple   (4 bytes , 321reads )
退休? 卷心菜   (28 bytes , 245reads )
对那些有胆量的人,做生意比较好 绿松石   (0 bytes , 294reads )
福利比较好吧? coolapple   (145 bytes , 731reads )
朝九晚五??? 四季豆   (37 bytes , 530reads )
你是去shopping 吧? coolapple   (55 bytes , 397reads )
you really don't understand our situation ah... 四季豆   (419 bytes , 596reads )
wow...then, lot of money made due to over time... 雪城   (131 bytes , 480reads )
no, he won't... 四季豆   (24 bytes , 415reads )
A really big WOW... 绿松石   (106 bytes , 341reads )
做一顿饭不难 卷心菜   (33 bytes , 228reads )
那是,那是。。。=) 绿松石   (24 bytes , 199reads )
wow, can i get your hubby... frpapaya   (69 bytes , 344reads )
在职场版看到的最幸福一贴 仙流命   (43 bytes , 360reads )
银行怎么会朝九晚五呢。。。。 大象   (0 bytes , 276reads )
my role is in middle office, can always go home after 5pm mcmug2006   (33 bytes , 445reads )
mcmug? 好久不见 :) 大象   (0 bytes , 218reads )
yep, really long time no see!!! mcmug2006   (21 bytes , 323reads )
那要恭喜啦 :D 大象   (0 bytes , 204reads )
我有朋友是做到6点的。7点就来我办公室 coolapple   (72 bytes , 530reads )
we have about 50 people located at the same level with us 四季豆   (235 bytes , 482reads )
It depends on the bank, department, and the boss snowfish   (70 bytes , 310reads )
Which bank? 大新   (0 bytes , 278reads )
听说是7-11 or worse 绿松石   (54 bytes , 411reads )
也有4pm to 2am 卷心菜   (32 bytes , 309reads )
two friends working as operations. thevillage   (61 bytes , 482reads )
guess that really depends... 绿松石   (0 bytes , 214reads )
investment division = terrible working hours...i think.. 绿松石   (0 bytes , 240reads )
你的工作是做什么的呢? Elsa   (18 bytes , 335reads )
marketing exec.... coolapple   (23 bytes , 436reads )
晕,你要enjoy 卷心菜   (86 bytes , 261reads )