i applied technology, but havn't received any email yet
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-12-12 20:04

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急问, 有人做过Merrill Lynch 的online test 吗? 格式如何? Thx :) Ehime   (0 bytes , 2023reads )
ML一共几轮呀? 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 379reads )
我也没收到任何消息...;) 感觉test没做好. Ehime   (0 bytes , 412reads )
今天下午,几个报operation 的同学都拿到面试了,这个星期六,可是就是我没有 心痛失败   (186 bytes , 772reads )
“这可能是银行里面最后的机会了”看到你这话觉得好stressed呀 @@ 昨是今非旧时光   (62 bytes , 416reads )
Sigh, 偶也没有。。。 Crystalplane   (107 bytes , 557reads )
at least you got capital group, i got nothing 心痛失败   (413 bytes , 594reads )
En, sounds great! Crystalplane   (221 bytes , 543reads )
what is so special abt this cap group? AXL   (0 bytes , 421reads )
继续努力,不要放弃! youtube   (865 bytes , 618reads )
我很愿意相信你的话,可是发生在我身边的却不是这样的 心痛失败   (474 bytes , 703reads )
我也希望你能成功! youtube   (1588 bytes , 513reads )
谢谢,看了之后很感动 mcdull_mcmug   (155 bytes , 462reads )
Very much agree with you, utube blueblue   (582 bytes , 603reads )
那我们可真是同道中人 mcdull_mcmug   (263 bytes , 451reads )
其实暂时不成功 youtube   (253 bytes , 518reads )
付出 要付出的有效率 AXL   (248 bytes , 387reads )
如果说有付出就有回报的话,生活就太简单了。 flylife   (0 bytes , 371reads )
应该来讲--不是不报,是时候未到 绿松石   (58 bytes , 311reads )
上次我去听talk,问HR,他说加在一起大概要20个,IT 的应该多点 心痛失败   (25 bytes , 501reads )
Yah...think so 绿松石   (0 bytes , 305reads )
刚刚收到 interview 邀请 xscheme   (0 bytes , 472reads )
i applied technology, but havn't received any email yet blueblue   (3 bytes , 547reads )
真的呀?请问你申请是什么position?operation or IT? 心痛失败   (0 bytes , 301reads )
I think should be Technology 绿松石   (50 bytes , 370reads )
你也拿到了? 同喜同喜 xscheme   (0 bytes , 304reads )
no la..I was just guessing... 绿松石   (123 bytes , 394reads )
email xscheme   (0 bytes , 291reads )
Anyway I applied for Operations... 绿松石   (12 bytes , 402reads )
same here 心痛失败   (298 bytes , 436reads )
你可以向我学习么,发封邮件过去大骂一通,或者拒绝参加他们的online test. xscheme   (62 bytes , 409reads )
我对ML的印象也很不错 心痛失败   (392 bytes , 489reads )
operation 做什么的? xscheme   (0 bytes , 491reads )
Operations ah...like this 绿松石   (194 bytes , 526reads )
不知道是不是跟bank无缘 绿松石   (12 bytes , 345reads )
想问一下,银行除了这次的recruitment,下学期还有没有? 心痛失败   (0 bytes , 344reads )
Banks like Credit Suisse and Barclays 绿松石   (140 bytes , 589reads )
if this is the case, tat means need to wait for another year? 心痛失败   (224 bytes , 555reads )
I heard only... 绿松石   (217 bytes , 375reads )
我也是同感,都不晓得自己哪里没有对,sigh 心痛失败   (0 bytes , 307reads )
MM别泄气 仙流命   (196 bytes , 442reads )
hehe...谢谢鼓励! 绿松石   (55 bytes , 330reads )
好像是什么 global it 来着. zbuffer   (0 bytes , 356reads )
大家同喜 xscheme   (0 bytes , 274reads )
看来得好好拼一把,酒香也怕巷子深. xscheme   (0 bytes , 284reads )
有人有消息了吗?都这么久了,没有消息,是不是挂了 心痛失败   (0 bytes , 316reads )
Numerical和logical test是同时做的么? AXL   (60 bytes , 475reads )
The sequence is.. 绿松石   (115 bytes , 459reads )
Thank you both.. AXL   (137 bytes , 488reads )
同时作的 Crystalplane   (5 bytes , 348reads )
anyone got response from ML after online assessment, pls leave a note here. 绿松石   (15 bytes , 422reads )
seems so far no one got response from ML? 绿松石   (13 bytes , 396reads )
太汗了 Crystalplane   (169 bytes , 720reads )
ft..that's weird.. Elsa   (118 bytes , 458reads )
one possibility: he forgot to put 2007 after Wednesday 29 November xuechlai   (74 bytes , 459reads )
hehe...so funny 绿松石   (153 bytes , 422reads )
Ok, thanks for ur suggestion! Crystalplane   (0 bytes , 425reads )
merrill lynch got deadline or not? blueblue   (119 bytes , 627reads )
Technology not that fast... 绿松石   (100 bytes , 542reads )
still not receive any test yet :( blueblue   (0 bytes , 393reads )
don't let urself down lah... 绿松石   (178 bytes , 343reads )
ok, thanx again, lv song shi ^^ blueblue   (0 bytes , 506reads )
hoho...久违的花花,bow to 斑竹 绿松石   (0 bytes , 320reads )
Thanks a lot, lv song shi blueblue   (0 bytes , 389reads )
I meant one week from now.. 绿松石   (0 bytes , 357reads )
For me, it is impossible to finish the test in time ;) Ehime   (0 bytes , 477reads )
i did 16/20 for numerical test, 17/24 for logical test. cking   (62 bytes , 518reads )
I would say 绿松石   (124 bytes , 523reads )
I also love logic questions. Haha Crystalplane   (113 bytes , 364reads )
The starting questions are always very easy, then.. thevillage   (115 bytes , 528reads )
always like that one 绿松石   (25 bytes , 361reads )
any response from Barclays or DB? thevillage   (0 bytes , 386reads )
oh...those two ah.. 绿松石   (107 bytes , 414reads )
HAHA, 我一发现那是个 Barclays 是个英国DB 公司,就立马毫不犹豫把它给据了 cking   (7 bytes , 548reads )
numerical + logical reasoning Elsa   (35 bytes , 655reads )
How is the difficulty as compared to the tests of other banks? (say, Barclays) AXL   (6 bytes , 385reads )
wo...never done online test...but with 12 round interviews....errr frpapaya   (34 bytes , 545reads )
guess they were testing ur patience..haha 绿松石   (0 bytes , 316reads )
wah..so did u finally get in?? Elsa   (44 bytes , 408reads )
in HK, credit structure belong to Fixed Income, Currency and commodity team.. frpapaya   (33 bytes , 477reads )