you just need confidence
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-03-27 23:31  评分:

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the credential can only get you more interview chances. How far you are gonna go, that depends on your luck, your interview skills and some charm from thr you inside.

you just need to try harder and seize the chance when it comes. :-P.

Jia you

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天啦,比first class还高。。。 zizi   (24 bytes , 872reads )
谢谢各位的鼓励了 天下乌贼一般黑   (0 bytes , 384reads )
keke,没问题的啦 波丽路仙桃   (84 bytes , 736reads )
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就先签着吧,就算试用期辞职也赔不了多少钱,在下正在这样干着 Marshall   (94 bytes , 901reads )
just go & apply, no harm trying. ropin   (0 bytes , 419reads )