something beyond the manager's control happened I think
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-03-30 16:40

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your friend is quite unlucky

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
郁闷! 收到两个OFFER, 欧行的QUNAT DEVELOPER 和 HEDGE FUND IT & RISK 那个前途好 eng70777   (386 bytes , 3009reads )
I think 平庸士   (661 bytes , 769reads )
i prefer hedge fund, if you dont want the hedge fund position, can refer me? 周星驰   (42 bytes , 639reads )
对不起, 我签了HEDGE FUND的工作 eng70777   (113 bytes , 1000reads )
真猛~ zbuffer   (0 bytes , 309reads )
够狠阿 AXL   (0 bytes , 345reads )
牛人啊,请问楼主, 熏衣草   (55 bytes , 652reads )
中介 eng70777   (227 bytes , 680reads )
谢谢. :) 熏衣草   (0 bytes , 288reads )
景仰啊 flylife   (55 bytes , 656reads )
有利有弊 大象   (399 bytes , 930reads )
Bank 的 只是口头OFFER eng70777   (145 bytes , 864reads )
口头offer就是offer啦,不会不算数的 secretwish   (0 bytes , 809reads )
not true.. one of friends went for the Barclays interview... the manager 我是一颗菠萝   (158 bytes , 1022reads )
something beyond the manager's control happened I think 大象   (28 bytes , 413reads )
u nvr know what happened during that 2 weeks.. ropin   (0 bytes , 311reads )
这种只算意向,不算offer吧。 secretwish   (94 bytes , 476reads )
牛人呀!我要是有随便一个就很高兴了。 secretwish   (86 bytes , 567reads )
略微倾向做quant developer AXL   (453 bytes , 1133reads )
第一份工作还是进大公司好些是吗? eng70777   (260 bytes , 826reads )
DBS base salary少。 hedge fund bonus会有起伏 但是没有那么大。 AXL   (416 bytes , 1540reads )
要我的那个HEDGE FUND是新成立的 eng70777   (219 bytes , 907reads )
很好。去年全球global macro据说是top 10 AXL   (172 bytes , 815reads )