所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-04-11 14:21  评分:

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"OCBC最近上调了所有人的等级" -- although i just joined this bank a month ago, but i can tell you confidently NO SUCH THING. From the whole department we only got 3 people promoted, one level higher for each. 2 of them are promoted from SO to AM and they've 3 and 4 years experience respectively.

"有经验的或者是master应该进来都是manager" -- there's a new guy just joined our dept, having 2 years experience in Citibank, but his rank is SO. The lady sitting beside me has stayed 3 years with OCBC and her rank is BO. Although they are not master degree holder, but both are bachelor degree holder.

"OCBC 里面一个VP都是干苦活的,只有做到head of sth 才是真正的经理人" -- Our dept head, he is not "干苦活的" and he is the 真正的经理人. HIS RANK IS VP!!

Moreover, the salary also depends on the rank. You wording and tone makes me feel very uncomfortable. Please do not spread rumor.

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
银行相关IT工作都要加班吗? 陈豆豆   (303 bytes , 4483reads )
工作一年多了,汇报一把,写点感想,发发疑问 陈豆豆   (1212 bytes , 1684reads )
楼主说的就是RTB或者CTB 小土   (97 bytes , 1168reads )
第一次听run the bank和change the bank 这样的说法 陈豆豆   (157 bytes , 813reads )
从花钱方面。可以这么规划。 小土   (0 bytes , 399reads )
要敢于领导10年15年经验的。脸一沉眉一皱眼一瞪,就要出气势。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 316reads )
卷老弟,讲讲?如何提高自己的气势和威望? 陈豆豆   (0 bytes , 326reads )
你要是牛,我一周都弄不出来的,你半天能做完,为什么要加班呢? SuperStylin   (34 bytes , 630reads )
首先这种事概率很小,其次 门中木   (87 bytes , 330reads )
IT也招没经验的fresh 芭比   (34 bytes , 814reads )
在OCBC的IT工作了7,8个月了吧,说说经历,个人感受而已 westmal   (603 bytes , 4116reads )
哈哈,谁把这贴挖出来了 PvsNP   (33 bytes , 511reads )
平均一个礼拜有几次是过7点半下班的? 凯文   (0 bytes , 372reads )
弱弱的问一句, blueblue   (35 bytes , 1100reads )
今年很多engineering的都差不多3k亚 secretwish   (50 bytes , 1098reads )
eng around 3000 not surprise blueblue   (65 bytes , 999reads )
master 都困难 :( zbuffer   (0 bytes , 707reads )
弱弱的问一下 小土   (96 bytes , 1191reads )
那倒不会,那边的working culture还是比较健康的 四季豆   (297 bytes , 943reads )
多谢~!ONZ 小土   (174 bytes , 756reads )
一般7点可以闪人,可能有时候赶project,一个星期都会很忙 辰星   (0 bytes , 366reads )
听起来怕怕的。 小土   (46 bytes , 570reads )
显眼,小土请进 难上加难   (112 bytes , 1091reads )
我申请的是这个 小土   (207 bytes , 1132reads )
M1568是什么? sunnyone   (1 bytes , 314reads )
都是豆豆,发发言 青豆豆   (341 bytes , 793reads )
不是吧。。刚签了银行。 小土   (62 bytes , 1925reads )
which bank? SGEACH   (0 bytes , 404reads )
o开头的那个。 小土   (0 bytes , 427reads )
小土请进 manUfan   (122 bytes , 815reads )
年假30天?这么长啊? 凯文   (0 bytes , 365reads )
奇怪啊。我也觉得 小土   (16 bytes , 753reads )
30天确实很长,爽啊 ropin   (0 bytes , 303reads )
nod! 太……羡……慕……了……!! secretwish   (0 bytes , 283reads )
就跟用化妆品一样。 小土   (149 bytes , 1026reads )
同问 小土   (93 bytes , 1030reads )
小土你今年才毕业的么? 小作家   (29 bytes , 662reads )
我还没有毕业。。 小土   (193 bytes , 1247reads )
糊里糊涂的就去了。 小土   (42 bytes , 1026reads )
小土mm是cs master? 小作家   (50 bytes , 858reads )
OCBC 最近上调了所有人的等级, VP 加了3级 David_123   (162 bytes , 1295reads )
Nonsense 四季豆   (881 bytes , 1039reads )
好贴,顶出来大家讨论一下。 mingzi   (0 bytes , 180reads )
Sorry abt the misleading word using. David_123   (567 bytes , 891reads )
恩。还是要好好工作才行。 小土   (10 bytes , 544reads )
agree with 四季豆 AXL   (288 bytes , 685reads )
Bro, you are absolutely right. David_123   (486 bytes , 687reads )
原来如此 小土   (269 bytes , 891reads )
你不是做IT的吗? 绿豆芽   (19 bytes , 462reads )
可能这工作本来就象秘书。 小土   (263 bytes , 742reads )
那是不是需要比较能说和能写呢? 绿豆芽   (0 bytes , 335reads )
酷! 绿豆芽   (14 bytes , 378reads )
master没有毕业呢。 小土   (251 bytes , 1051reads )
那我们以后会在同一栋大厦上班哈 四季豆   (94 bytes , 840reads )
^_^。这么巧~!你可真厉害 小土   (56 bytes , 779reads )
我申请的是trainee什么的。online申请的。 小土   (46 bytes , 902reads )
congratulations 小作家   (28 bytes , 615reads )
我也找了好久。 小土   (97 bytes , 802reads )
再问一句 绿豆芽   (64 bytes , 624reads )
看跟谁比了。 小土   (97 bytes , 709reads )
每天9点到5点半(非银行) 凯文   (6 bytes , 583reads )
忘了说了,IT 凯文   (0 bytes , 315reads )
谢谢各位发言了. 陈豆豆   (180 bytes , 716reads )
直接写信给他们的hr 小土   (36 bytes , 856reads )
IT行业整体很少有不加班的,另外银行很少招没有经验的人进IT。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 484reads )
今年各大银行招的IT fresh可是大把大把的啊……@@ secretwish   (0 bytes , 447reads )
depends on which bank and which department Dougan   (75 bytes , 672reads )
Why front office IT support is a terrible combination?` neko_125   (184 bytes , 737reads )
Yes, you are right..if Dougan   (638 bytes , 702reads )
my experience SGEACH   (79 bytes , 1031reads )
据说 secretwish   (122 bytes , 988reads )
个人经验:某本地银行,我认识的IT staff基本上都是7点左右或者之前闪人 ropin   (56 bytes , 1005reads )
看情况吧 Secure   (0 bytes , 233reads )