if it is located at circular road
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-05-30 19:49

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i have been there and they put recruit adv quite frequently, but it is very small office, seems like one man show, i didn't intend to join since the manager is only talking about how he became successful with cobra, feel like MLM...


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那位达人了解Cobra (sales&marketing)是个什么样的公司呀,谢啦 驿动的心   (0 bytes , 575reads )
if it is located at circular road Anchalee   (234 bytes , 361reads )
Cobra is a contract manufacturer for vaccines, might have some other business 格格   (144 bytes , 323reads )
it seems Cobra is different from Cobra group, a bit confusing 驿动的心   (191 bytes , 291reads )