这个公司怎么样?Walton International Group / land banking consultant
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-06-25 17:49

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their business is to sale the land of Canada/

I heard the sale model is like:传销

anyone got anny opinion?
thanks a lot

it state:

We provide:
• Exceptional commission structure & incentives package
• Flexible working hours/working place
• Write your own paycheck
• Comprehensive Training & Career Development Program
• To bring out each individual's fullest potential
• In-house training facilities
• Full company support

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这个公司怎么样?Walton International Group / land banking consultant 变成大人   (478 bytes , 2289reads )
传销。。 波丽路仙桃   (52 bytes , 637reads )
哇你娃什么时候去过的... 临江仙   (14 bytes , 413reads )
刚毕业啊。。 波丽路仙桃   (59 bytes , 468reads )
I think it is MLM.... just be careful 大象   (0 bytes , 364reads )
是吗?我记得CQY有在这个公司做过,那应该是一个普通投资公司吧? likeitorno   (0 bytes , 375reads )
小声问一下,MLM是什么 ivivid   (5 bytes , 469reads )
multi-level marketing 就是传销 大象   (0 bytes , 341reads )
老大,我觉得卖地也就算了,可是还要卖加拿大的,难度高了点 pinkhil   (0 bytes , 319reads )
我拿到一个interview 变成大人   (24 bytes , 698reads )
我帮他们的销售经理做过一个proj,其实就是卖地的应该,但是我没有涉及到销售环节。 qingtian   (0 bytes , 360reads )
嘿嘿``` totoo   (113 bytes , 523reads )