If you have good O-level and A-level result, it would be a different story
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-01-16 10:10

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If you apply to work for government, they will ask you for your O-level and A-level results. This is a good opportunity to impress them, if you have a 3-years degree and not-so-glorious CAP.

In addition, for your case, try to send as many resumes as possible, regardless the industry of the job. To me, what matters is the nature of the job, not the title or industry.

Take each interview as an opportunies to brush up your interative skills. Get yourself fully prepared before that, understand the job scope and nature of the company. Get a notebook to write down all the questions you encountered and your best answeres. .

There is a book selling at NUS Career Centre(YIH), I cant remember the title but the content is about interview skills. I find it very useful. Btw, the workshops organised by Career Centre is helpful too, and you can send your resume to them for modification.

Good luck and all the best =)


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