请看朋友的CV,帮忙 找问题, 谢谢(IT software engineer)
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-04-28 16:55

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OBJECTIVE I specialize in the development of Java/C# based client/server, web applications and am well versed in several other areas. I am interested in Senior Engineer/Architect and Technology Director roles on projects.

Availability and Rates I will available on

Information Systems, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.C
Software Engineer & Senior Database Administrator December 2003 – Present
 Design software system architecture
 Design schemas, logic and physical structure of databases, deploy distributed databases.
 Design software modules for different projects.

eBuilds Technology Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.C
Software Engineer Jan 2003 – Oct 2003

• Design and implement servlets ,JSPs, EJBs; implement Struts action, form bean etc; design asynchronous loaded content by iframe, XMLHttpRequest just as the current buzzword AJAX, use XML Island in web applications
• Oracle Database management
• Swing-based Rick Client Application: Hotel Management System
• ShangHai Project Management software.

New World Cyberbase Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.C
Designer Aug 2000 – Dec 2002

• Design and implement three tier applications and BS applications.
• Instruct freshmen
• Design and implement OA, workflow applications.

Wuhan HongRen Information Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.C
Software Engineer July 1999 – July 2000

• Oracle Database Management
• Design reports( based on complex query)
• Implement query module and other modules based on design document.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Science
Zhengzhou University , Zhengzhou, PRC
Major: Computer Science July 1999


Oracle Database Administration 8i
Oracle Corporation December 2002

MS Certified Solution Developer VC6
Microsoft Corporation October 2001

MS DBA 2000
Microsoft Corporation November 2001

MS System Engineer
Microsoft Corporation September 2001

Senior Programmer
Computer software professional, technical qualifications PRC. October 1998
SKILLS Languages:
Java C/C++ Managed C++ JavaScript
Windows batch Visual Basic XSL XML
PL/SQL SQL*Loader Delphi C#
ABAP Ruby PowerBuilder MFC/ATL
Batch Command script WSH PowerShell Script Perl

Oracle RDBMS (7.x – 10g) SQL Server 7, 2000, 2005
MySQL (3.23 – 5.x) Postgres
Sybase SQL Anywhere 9 MaxDB

Application Server Environments:
BEA WebLogic Platform JBoss
Tomcat MTS

Microsoft Active Directory(ADSI) LDAP API access MS Active Directory

Development Environments:
Eclipse Oracle Form 6
Visual Studio 6, 2003 and 2005 PowerBuilder
JBuilder Delphi
IBM Rational Rose (modeling, design) PowerDesigner (modeling database schemas)

Operating Systems:
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 UNIX - (SunOS, Solaris, Linux,FreeBSD)
Windows 95/98 and DOS

Configure and administrate IBM MQ Series cluster and standalone machines, programming with IBM MQ MSMQ Cluster, Route link configuration, programming with MSMQ (VB, JAVA, dotNET), security configuration

Software Configuration Management:
Setup, configure and administrate the following SCM softwares IBM Clear Case, Clear Quest, CVS - (Solaris, Win CVS),SVN, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe and Bugzilla


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
请看朋友的CV,帮忙 找问题, 谢谢(IT software engineer) henan   (3851 bytes , 2488reads )
To little information on working exp 香陵居士   (645 bytes , 538reads )
谢谢香老大。 henan   (0 bytes , 240reads )
感觉挺杂的 Lium   (436 bytes , 501reads )
谢谢,没有办法,来新加坡这里做工,老板要什么就要做出什么。 henan   (297 bytes , 479reads )
小声问一句,楼主征得朋友同意了么? cnlayer   (0 bytes , 375reads )
他知道的,谢谢。 henan   (60 bytes , 292reads )
99年毕业,干了9年,那么4K多大兄弟你说算多么 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 711reads )
谢谢你,兄弟。也祝你成功。 henan   (0 bytes , 239reads )
这篇CV继承了国内CV的一贯恶习 卷心菜   (321 bytes , 1075reads )
汗!所言极是。 henan   (0 bytes , 211reads )
同事跳槽,工资都是4K多,5K多的。外面的情况真的这样吗? henan   (0 bytes , 563reads )
很不错啊 aspernet   (8 bytes , 464reads )
谢谢。 henan   (200 bytes , 427reads )
就看这么多牛certificates,至少也得6000+ 今天心情不错   (0 bytes , 328reads )
看看这个才叫大堆的牛certificates 香陵居士   (56 bytes , 418reads )
大兄弟,随便拿个在新加坡的缅甸华人来IT证书就要写一整页吧 卷心菜   (98 bytes , 558reads )
-〉看看这个,你把证书看得也太不值钱了,考这些证书容易么 今天心情不错   (39 bytes , 489reads )
我在国内培训中心干过 香陵居士   (219 bytes , 396reads )
美国跟亚洲很不同啊。请看例子。 卷心菜   (756 bytes , 704reads )
卷菜兄讲的着实有道理 aspernet   (24 bytes , 502reads )
朋友前几年想转行做SAP,用功了一阵子,后来随着来新加坡后就放弃了。 henan   (540 bytes , 674reads )
做SAP的不过也就是7000到头了 Daizi   (108 bytes , 419reads )
新加坡能做APO的屈指可数,10个人? Daizi   (72 bytes , 427reads )
招聘启示:猎头为IBM招SAP (APO Liveche),月薪$8000+ Suvin   (202 bytes , 648reads )
A 兄弟:SAP Certificate 费用谁出? henan   (101 bytes , 472reads )
A某从不做无用功 aspernet   (27 bytes , 443reads )
Whick one? Functional Consultant? henan   (0 bytes , 243reads )
哦,我打算做SAP的PM嘛 aspernet   (112 bytes , 450reads )
A兄弟,你不是PM吗?为何也转到IT咨询? henan   (44 bytes , 327reads )
佩服佩服。 henan   (0 bytes , 190reads )
大A兄日进斗金,区区证书费用自然是 卷心菜   (50 bytes , 267reads )
其实也不难,都是自学的。 henan   (92 bytes , 291reads )
兄弟,彻底被雷了?!why & how? 难道是很傻很天真?还是很好很强大? henan   (0 bytes , 226reads )
谢谢你的吉言。 henan   (0 bytes , 282reads )
你用word放去表格里面就不乱了 aspernet   (0 bytes , 375reads )
原来就是用WORD有表格的,只是COPY进来后又没有表格了,打印出来也是的。真奇怪。 henan   (0 bytes , 376reads )
aspernet Manager 请教:以这个水平在新加坡能拿到多少钱/月?TKS henan   (0 bytes , 320reads )
这要看什么职位了 aspernet   (68 bytes , 588reads )
谢谢了,给以信心。 henan   (0 bytes , 212reads )
programmer 3000 aspernet   (0 bytes , 292reads )
一针见血 卷心菜   (8 bytes , 386reads )
高! henan   (0 bytes , 234reads )
这个太低了,just junior sw engineer. 阿猫阿狗都差不多是这个数。 henan   (0 bytes , 321reads )