所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-09 10:07

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华新职场讲座四最新公告 parrot   (490 bytes , 1710reads )
听说鸟版博爱,SweetDreams CakeShop将在讲座当天推出Wedding Cake特惠 小鳗   (1792 bytes , 337reads )
。。。 aspernet   (5 bytes , 271reads )
oh my god...... parrot   (0 bytes , 189reads )
既然鸟版乱爱,Orange Fitness将在讲座当天推出interview bodysculpture特惠 橙子   (1768 bytes , 574reads )
This sample suits CV? Maybe only for model recruitment. PekingSing   (39 bytes , 276reads )
哈哈,如此创意,红桃!:) parrot   (0 bytes , 180reads )
想了一下,还是算了,改成草花 parrot   (30 bytes , 210reads )
还 - 我 - 红 - 桃 橙子   (0 bytes , 319reads )
切,你把橙汁姐姐请来捧场,我就上红桃! parrot   (97 bytes , 243reads )
哎呀,报名阿! sensopiano   (68 bytes , 286reads )
哈哈,报名先 Economist   (0 bytes , 227reads )
承蒙鸟版厚爱,SwingFoto Studio将在讲座当天推出resume photo特惠 庸人   (1764 bytes , 1192reads )
可否带着相机去练手。不要钱。 赫赫 king   (0 bytes , 169reads )
顶! 小田   (79 bytes , 227reads )
忍不住抱怨一下 parrot   (101 bytes , 262reads )
你的感觉很正常啊。。 小田   (21 bytes , 266reads )
恩 确实有点笑场.... AXL   (0 bytes , 219reads )
得,此帖从公告贴变成了娱乐贴,接下来就是八卦贴 庸人   (28 bytes , 232reads )
这是严肃认真的职场版! - parrot sensopiano   (0 bytes , 229reads )
楼上两位。。。我要ban ID了。。。(Z) aspernet   (0 bytes , 230reads )
先报一个名: ) 年糕   (48 bytes , 270reads )
分特...这不是XX同学吗。。。 大象   (38 bytes , 336reads )
XX同学拍了照片后平步青云,现在正在某国日入斗金 庸人   (18 bytes , 324reads )
大象叔叔那天也去拍一张吧,这样下次庸人就贴你的好了哈。。 sensopiano   (0 bytes , 211reads )
strongly support!!! :D parrot   (0 bytes , 218reads )
欢迎欢迎,热烈欢迎! parrot   (58 bytes , 262reads )
偶打算到时拿个卦在讲座当天提供优惠算命服务 aspernet   (50 bytes , 250reads )
孙版主特来报道。。。哦哈哈 StefinieSun   (0 bytes , 176reads )
欢迎!:) parrot   (0 bytes , 202reads )
报名支持! aspernet   (0 bytes , 196reads )
承蒙A兄拨冗,吾要求给A兄此贴上红桃。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 203reads )
A兄那天来了我就给红桃! parrot   (0 bytes , 212reads )
A某怎敢在大厅广众之下忽悠Par兄。:D aspernet   (0 bytes , 194reads )
Par兄???parrot在你们心中很男性化吗? PekingSing   (30 bytes , 241reads )
不可造次,Par兄妩媚动人,能里能外,乃现代美女之典范,何来男性化? 卷心菜   (20 bytes , 236reads )
楼上两位。。。我要ban ID了。。。 parrot   (0 bytes , 203reads )
heng ah, 还好是楼上两位,不是三位。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 207reads )
请问报名后有没有确认的email回复? MetalGearSnake   (58 bytes , 230reads )
不让进时要用暗号,守门人先说:天王盖地虎。你要接上来:大象和鹦鹉,月薪五万五。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 334reads )
别搞笑了,本版的有钱人不说 大象   (28 bytes , 427reads )
哈哈,人比人气死人 PekingSing   (95 bytes , 304reads )
Peking兄讲的莫非是A某的老乡 aspernet   (4 bytes , 230reads )
就是就是,那些在万恶的投行工作的人,比如某香港金融界人士。。。:p parrot   (0 bytes , 243reads )
莫非是传说中的XX仙 :O aspernet   (0 bytes , 188reads )
xx仙。。。。 明月楼   (11 bytes , 285reads )
XX仙和OO楼,一个不得不说的聊斋故事。 胡萝卜   (69 bytes , 271reads )
nope, it's someone else who invited him to HK. parrot   (0 bytes , 200reads )
朗朗上口啊 邓可   (0 bytes , 221reads )
大象月薪如此之高?! parrot   (50 bytes , 396reads )
做BD的看bonus的吧 duck   (51 bytes , 319reads )
no no, that's sales, not BD, not my company definitely parrot   (0 bytes , 212reads )
Par兄过谦了。吾同班同学做consulting,fresh gra就月入5千矣。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 302reads )
我第一份工作起薪2000,货真价实童叟无欺:) parrot   (95 bytes , 375reads )
顶! duck   (43 bytes , 250reads )
以A某高见, Par兄这个人, 迟早是要发大财地. aspernet   (0 bytes , 193reads )
嗬嗬,借你吉言了。。。 parrot   (52 bytes , 324reads )
以A某高见, Par兄的老公这个人, 迟早是要发大财地。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 204reads )
彻底无语,只好代我未来的老公先谢谢您。。。 parrot   (0 bytes , 191reads )
仔细研究了一下,原来误会来自于本贴。。。我说的是将来的老公。。。 parrot   (0 bytes , 201reads )
以A某高见, Par兄的将来的老公这个人, 迟早是要发大财地。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 204reads )
何来"迟早"? PekingSing   (36 bytes , 227reads )
now I fully understand why brother A can be so successful !! walktree   (46 bytes , 256reads )
建屋局应该禁止你们买HDB duck   (31 bytes , 255reads )
duck哥哥。。。“你们”是谁?! parrot   (58 bytes , 268reads )
5k is high~ PekingSing   (27 bytes , 328reads )
这是严肃认真的职场版。。。不回答这种八卦问题! parrot   (0 bytes , 180reads )
轻松->严肃 so fast? PekingSing   (38 bytes , 252reads )
哎呀,我们大概一周前会发reminder parrot   (133 bytes , 241reads )
another recruitment page? I have enrolled my name in the last one u opened... PekingSing   (0 bytes , 252reads )
it's the same! parrot   (0 bytes , 182reads )
面试时最难的25个问题 -- by William J. Morin & James C. Cabrera 卷心菜   (9202 bytes , 404reads )
我carrot顶parrot! 胡萝卜   (10 bytes , 240reads )
这名字。。。 parrot   (0 bytes , 182reads )
报名顶! sensopiano   (0 bytes , 244reads )