哈哈, 连你也成前辈了, 看样子偶是真的老了啊...
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2009-02-24 09:15

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In the long run we are all dead. - John Keynes
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
关于SMU的MASTER of applied finance gycdavsys   (77 bytes , 4377reads )
hao 保险丝   (0 bytes , 367reads )
哥几个有没有申请NUS 的? king1908   (0 bytes , 387reads )
怎么好象NUS MFE 没有这个火啊,每人出来说话。。 king1908   (0 bytes , 703reads )
NUS RMI的? 雪娃娃   (0 bytes , 669reads )
不是说还没出来么? 雪娃娃   (0 bytes , 337reads )
NUS 的是还没出来呢。 king1908   (0 bytes , 358reads )
您拿到SMU 的了吧? king1908   (0 bytes , 411reads )
×××请问大家有申请NUS MFE的 么? king1908   (43 bytes , 677reads )
NUS MFE要4月底才出来。这里有人提前拿到吗? 我行故我   (0 bytes , 867reads )
SMU 的最晚什么时候回复呢? king1908   (0 bytes , 323reads )
admitted gycdavsys   (84 bytes , 600reads )
恭喜恭喜 king1908   (4 bytes , 345reads )
集合一下 monk   (38 bytes , 483reads )
恭喜各位啦! 路在何方   (284 bytes , 404reads )
楼上镇定~~~ 雪娃娃   (160 bytes , 425reads )
... monk   (30 bytes , 295reads )
Admitted kylexx   (0 bytes , 370reads )
count me in 我行故我   (0 bytes , 257reads )
It's out! 雪娃娃   (49 bytes , 554reads )
got it as well!! congrats to everybody! Dirky   (0 bytes , 347reads )
congrads monk   (9 bytes , 342reads )
恭喜Dirky! 雪娃娃   (0 bytes , 326reads )
got it monk   (28 bytes , 292reads )
恭喜恭喜! 雪娃娃   (31 bytes , 361reads )
有人拿到admission了吗? monk   (10 bytes , 367reads )
results will be sent out by early April 我行故我   (25 bytes , 355reads )
我也问了,答案一样。。。 monk   (0 bytes , 259reads )
面试 monk   (344 bytes , 632reads )
一个疑问 monk   (108 bytes , 430reads )
大约什么时候出结果呢? monk   (0 bytes , 293reads )
Just curious.... Dirky   (93 bytes , 525reads )
i applied, no news about interview yet...who else applied please? monk   (0 bytes , 347reads )
I applied. Interview on coming friday gycdavsys   (0 bytes , 348reads )
Can share a bit of your interview? how's it like... tks Dirky   (0 bytes , 395reads )
ding monk   (32 bytes , 305reads )
总算考完了, 700分 gycdavsys   (116 bytes , 965reads )
给你发站内短信了 picaqiu   (0 bytes , 354reads )
wa,三个月就考完了 walktree   (101 bytes , 593reads )
我今年刚刚毕业。 香辣蟹   (89 bytes , 1569reads )
哈哈, 连你也成前辈了, 看样子偶是真的老了啊... 请合法使用软件   (0 bytes , 347reads )
“老”前辈终于现身了。 香辣蟹   (0 bytes , 381reads )
请问前辈香辣蟹 king1908   (68 bytes , 624reads )
不好意思,我最近不太常上华新。 香辣蟹   (1075 bytes , 763reads )
700以上可以竞争奖学金.普通入学640. 网站有写平军分. 小土   (55 bytes , 1168reads )
据我所知,奖学金基本没给过,写在网站上好看而已。 心如杰   (78 bytes , 701reads )
640分是什么概念? gycdavsys   (33 bytes , 576reads )
640对中国人来说是正常分数 terencechok   (100 bytes , 421reads )
请问MFE还有MAF申请时,学校比较prefer GRE还是GMAT成绩阿? 图图   (0 bytes , 614reads )
有的MFE prefer GRE terencechok   (32 bytes , 435reads )
No much difference. But GMAT is easier than GRE. 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 438reads )
论坛中有人在读或者已经读过这个项目了吗? monk   (18 bytes , 545reads )
SMU MAF 已经读了半年了 勇敢乡   (275 bytes , 2491reads )
what is the career prospects of program please? monk   (135 bytes , 524reads )
May I know how much time did you spend on preparing your GMAT? gycdavsys   (6 bytes , 516reads )
ding self monk   (0 bytes , 350reads )
根据往年,应该还好 caca   (30 bytes , 960reads )