It reminds me a saying I heard from radio 98.7 the other day: Life is a workshop
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2010-04-09 15:12

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求医:面试是很紧张,改不掉,咋办? anchorite2010   (47 bytes , 1042reads )
就是俺这张破嘴,不分中英文 anchorite2010   (95 bytes , 413reads )
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多参加相亲,就能改掉紧张。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 226reads )
其实那比面试还紧张,arghhhhhh anchorite2010   (70 bytes , 312reads )
It reminds me a saying I heard from radio 98.7 the other day: Life is a workshop hahata   (18 bytes , 679reads )
每天早上起来, 对着镜子喊: 吾是最棒的,吾永远 不会紧张! aspernet   (60 bytes , 364reads )
哈,那还不如每天早上对着镜子高唱真心英雄。 清清河边草   (0 bytes , 235reads )
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