Interested in working in DBS as a support analyst?
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2010-10-27 19:54

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Help a friend to look for a support analyst with DBS

1. Degree in CS/IT/IS
2. Female
3. SQL, UNIX, OO Programming i.e. Java
4. Able to work in fast pace and pressure
5. Investment Banking Environment

If you are interested in this role, you may please contact with me.
My hp: 9086 9726
My email :

Yang Yang

easier, easier, easiest
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Interested in working in DBS as a support analyst? ellinlin   (356 bytes , 1268reads )
男老板喜欢找女的, 女老板喜欢男的 victorama   (4 bytes , 268reads )
8卦,为什么要求female? Mango   (70 bytes , 418reads )
估计结果是: 男的不能去,女的不敢去。。。 别这样   (0 bytes , 392reads )
已经有人联系我了。广大愿意加班的女性同胞,请把握好这个机会! ellinlin   (38 bytes , 417reads )
之前一朋友招人就默认喜欢招女IT,因为和其他部门沟通似乎比较方便,和他互补,^_^ 牛小妹   (0 bytes , 271reads )
介个。。只能默认,不能写出来啊。。 Mango   (35 bytes , 384reads )
前一段时间一朋友面试真是应上网上的一个笑话了 牛小妹   (119 bytes , 568reads )
估计早点知会一下是怕浪费广大男士的感情,^_^ 牛小妹   (0 bytes , 266reads )