所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2011-02-03 21:24

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
(打了一半中文,一个back键就毁了. so bear with english)

Even since young, we have been constantly comparing ourselves (or been compared) with our peers. But honestly, 人是不平等的,除了我们的灵魂和生命以外。Timing, opportunities, network etc. all hugely affect your career achievement, and your salary. Put an good example, in last decade, beginning salary for IT fresh undergraduate changed from 3000 around to 2000 or below, then back to 3000. But i don't think the average quality of those students change that much every year!

I think you should not compare you or your pay to ppl in same age (though it’s seems a very simple and intuitively way). This peer comparison only gives you a relatively mark but nothing more (like an very innaccurate GPS, some information, but don't rely on it). It’s probably better or more objective to compare with the same you 2 years ago or 4-5 years ago.

Think another way of the same current pay number. if one start with 2000+ and double your pay in last 5 years w/o jumping much, then, I would say he/she did a good job with around 14-15% per annual pay increase. But if one start with 3000 or even more, he/she prob need to think why only had 6-7% pay increase when sg econ has been booming.

My theory is, as long as you are improving everyday, or constantly strive to improve all the time, you will reach what you want, despite whatever possible setbacks in between. Your current status is important, but the direction is even more important. If you think you are really on the right track to achieve your goals or success (this is the hardest question or issue), then why bother whether you are paid 20% less in between during some years…

Ps. I might be a little bit idealistic on the thory, but I do think there is a very good chance it might work in long term.
And if you haven't change job since beginning, and think you are underpaid. then 通常来讲,换工作是王道。新加坡4季失业率仅仅2%多一点,not bad market.



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从最近的面试经验总结出 酸乳酪   (173 bytes , 1720reads )
从今天的新闻找到的singapore stats 蔡厝港有组屋   (56 bytes , 1030reads )
这个是household,看个人的 马丙   (128 bytes , 1244reads )
从最近的面试经验总结出 酸乳酪   (173 bytes , 857reads )
网络有问题,发了两次 酸乳酪   (0 bytes , 327reads )
是跟NUS毕业生比算中下,不是跟所有的新加坡30岁男人。样本不一样的。 sapsap   (0 bytes , 897reads )
找到个表 Spring   (45 bytes , 1543reads )
那楼主正好是男性中位了。 Spring同学资料丰富阿, 赞一下 box   (189 bytes , 540reads )
声明一下:这个工资是lz一学长的,lz本人离30还有5,6年。。 sapsap   (0 bytes , 546reads )
那你贴出来。。。惟恐天下不乱啊 box   (90 bytes , 510reads )
也许楼主是女的 Spring   (0 bytes , 252reads )
英雄所见略同。 fool   (26 bytes , 330reads )
说明Lz有远见 trueif   (0 bytes , 300reads )
很受打击!!! 不睡觉的鱼   (0 bytes , 300reads )
我觉得也是。NUS/NTU毕业的有5-6年经验的4300感觉有点少。 功夫熊喵   (152 bytes , 1605reads )
读master/phd了? box   (0 bytes , 431reads )
不要小看卖鸡饭的。。。 Spring   (0 bytes , 500reads )
十多年前大一有个本地同学,老爸是卖鸡饭的小贩,一个班就他一个人是开车来上学的 凡人   (0 bytes , 485reads )
您当年怎么没从了?看到这个帖子,看一次伤心一次啊... 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 302reads )
额。。。看了这个好受打击…… trueif   (0 bytes , 293reads )
算是中上的了 极速小乌龟   (300 bytes , 797reads )
应该算中上水平,我认识很多35岁以上的薪水都在4000一下 Volkswagen   (0 bytes , 558reads )
你应该纵向比较 box   (1991 bytes , 1417reads )
Agree with you blueblue   (110 bytes , 737reads )
我今天虚岁30,工作快五年了,大年三十儿早上去本地一家和政府挂钩的工程公司面试 酸乳酪   (112 bytes , 2180reads )
运气好的政府工作,你进去了就可以等退休了。没有任何压力。而且 蔡厝港有组屋   (38 bytes , 906reads )
貌似我去面试的那家没那么轻松 酸乳酪   (72 bytes , 613reads )
一定是keppel... SIGG+   (22 bytes , 970reads )
SHIPYARD 才有那么多,我的是KIE,据说才2 to 4 months... 酸乳酪   (77 bytes , 675reads )
是在shipyard road吗? 那朵花儿   (30 bytes , 464reads )
有其他福利和奖金吗? fool   (62 bytes , 790reads )
卢瑟飘过…… trueif   (0 bytes , 413reads )
换过三四份工作的卢瑟同飘过... 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 426reads )
it is normal level hailanglang   (139 bytes , 829reads )
不低了 happymood   (0 bytes , 331reads )
有些工作不能看底薪的 blueblue   (27 bytes , 701reads )
有些工作是必须看底薪的。同学们都明白。泪奔了 月无痕   (0 bytes , 407reads )
Engineering的话,一般senior engineer的薪水是4k++ 宇宙骑士   (42 bytes , 1280reads )
engineer 是比较悲惨啊,正想努力脱离engineer的头衔 酸乳酪   (0 bytes , 487reads )
楼主知足吧,这要发到asiaone,估计本地人又该围攻你这FT了 月无痕   (0 bytes , 496reads )
K被郁闷了 Huaerna   (0 bytes , 335reads )
低收入工友掩面泪奔... 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 482reads )
ok hailanglang   (138 bytes , 651reads )
我LG要看到这个帖子,肯定觉得很囧 ruyunruyun   (31 bytes , 1415reads )
感觉还不错了。应该能算中等吧,取老婆,不只是看薪水的 victorama   (85 bytes , 1095reads )
坡妹要求真高……怪不得剩女率也不低 trueif   (0 bytes , 608reads )
他讲的是现在的姑娘,不是特指破妹 blueblue   (0 bytes , 338reads )
本地男人要找个漂亮老婆,三十岁前要5000 metro   (0 bytes , 741reads )
像我们这种非本地男人要找个漂亮的老婆, 要多少月收入啊? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 584reads )
照非诚勿扰19号的话说--五有青年 blueblue   (8 bytes , 642reads )
我不收看那个节目,请问是哪五有? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 353reads )
感觉不错了啊!- - 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 363reads )
小康。 嫑玊嘦玉   (0 bytes , 371reads )