所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2011-02-21 01:10

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Even for a computer science student, i bet most of them (99%) won't have written more than 10k lines of code at the time when they graduate, and usually the more you enjoy writing code, the less grade you will obtain, because as most prof. suggests, computer science is about algorithm, coding is for low level workers. So all the programming works are about algorithms. You won't know what is SOA, IoC, Spring, Hibernate, OSGI, Velocity, JMS, whatsoever, when you graduate.

And when you start working, you realize that that's the most serious programming you have ever done. Not many companies are developing softwares here. Maybe some small startup companies do develop softwares, but you won't dare to join them, because first most of your classmates joined big banks or MNCs where they can get sky high salaries without writing any code or write less than 10 lines of code every day(statistics shows programmers working at government companies write less than 500 lines of code every year). Second, it is not wise to join startup companies here, because they themselves do not have any expertise on developing software so you won't be able to learn any thing from them, and they are very unstable. They hire you not because they want to develop you, but only for cheap labor. So it is still advisable to look for big companies, even though you won't be able to gain any piratical experience in programming there. Most likely you will get a support job. Then you start to know all these words like Ajax, SOA,ORM, MOM, Portlet, AOP, POJO, REST... not mentioning specific implementation technologies like iBatis, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Wicket, Weblogic, WebSphere, GWT, Prototype, JBoss, Jess, Oracle, MySQL... Then you can look for better jobs by composing your CV using these words, and most likely they do have the effect of plating gold on yourself.

But don't be threatened by those job requirements, because the hiring companies are as blind as us, they just compose their job requirements using whatever hot words that they know. Sounds like an irony right? It's a funny industry.

This is 2 cents from someone worked in this industry for 9 years who still haven't Mastered JSP, Servlet, JMS, JavaBean, JMS, EJB, JDBC, Flex, Velocity, OSGI, UML (frankly i didn't see any company here using UML).

Put your OWN COOL signature here!
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想体验神马是速度吗? 新年第一波。。。招人了!!! aspernet   (2459 bytes , 4642reads )
春暖花开又是一年招聘时。。。 aspernet   (79 bytes , 445reads )
明天开始面试。。。由于A某百忙之中能面到的人员有限 aspernet   (48 bytes , 369reads )
a大,这个有影响吗? 蔡厝港有组屋   (96 bytes , 347reads )
对B2B影响肯定大的,但另一方面也说明了阿里的价值观 aspernet   (183 bytes , 341reads )
作为一个目前还在国大EE本科生,我想请教如何才能满足这样的以及类似职位要求 goodtry   (1766 bytes , 746reads )
标准答案:工作 香陵居士   (385 bytes , 522reads )
同学,那是神的境界,当成奋斗目标就可以,不必刻意强求 darkart   (2308 bytes , 526reads )
既然这么多人仰视,我就不妨share一下拿skyhigh的切实途径:) darkart   (1295 bytes , 568reads )
举例分析的很有道理,谢谢分享 必须的   (200 bytes , 430reads )
还有,我觉着skyhigh,应该是15k++的月薪.. 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 264reads )
当然,做IT想拿到15k以上的也不是不可能,自己去写个facebook darkart   (0 bytes , 276reads )
途径5和?,我觉得可行... 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 285reads )
仰视+1。感觉大部分都得是工作之后才积累的 megapoker   (0 bytes , 347reads )
同顶技术贴,仰视楼上...现在开始不求skyhigh,只求stable,过了大选再考虑前途。 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 248reads )
顶技术帖 trueif   (48 bytes , 359reads )
A兄放心,菜某马上也要分公司开过去帮你招聘了。。。 黑心菜   (22 bytes , 453reads )
今年马总的红包超预期,很给力啊。。。 aspernet   (66 bytes , 610reads )
嗨!那我就等着你来请客喝茶喽!我也贡献给支付宝不少噢!天寒地冻没事就上网淘宝了 芳林   (33 bytes , 365reads )
有芳老的支持,看了想不发财也难了。。。 aspernet   (83 bytes , 339reads )
转:“马云用支付宝给员工发红包:最少888 最多6位数“,红包很多啊。 凯文   (54 bytes , 459reads )
注:红包不是公司奖金哦。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 278reads )
国内流行发存折... 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 272reads )
可惜太远了 与庄共舞   (0 bytes , 244reads )
请问有嵌入式开发的工作机会吗,比如Linux/QNX/WinCE的驱动和程序开发 liyin   (0 bytes , 364reads )
国籍有限制吗?给办中国EP不? WSMAJAWPS   (0 bytes , 360reads )
办的,有兴趣发简历到:readz@hotmail.com aspernet   (0 bytes , 352reads )
回国啦.... 大象   (42 bytes , 687reads )
嗯,应该不会了,刚拿到央行发的牌照 aspernet   (0 bytes , 354reads )
A大发飙了、V5、支持、顶~ 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 256reads )
有武汉的么。。。XD 为什么爬?   (0 bytes , 272reads )
暂时还没有 aspernet   (0 bytes , 202reads )
a 大在国内工作么,还是新加坡呢 pinkhil   (24 bytes , 348reads )
在国内了 aspernet   (0 bytes , 276reads )
mas的工作都不要做了? 去了神马都是浮云的公司. 机会真棒! 加油哦! 雪狐狸   (0 bytes , 400reads )
多谢~ aspernet   (0 bytes , 269reads )
A大放多点职位吧 aner_ye   (0 bytes , 333reads )
见内,还有很多 aspernet   (7148 bytes , 655reads )
heihei..... 蔡厝港有组屋   (78 bytes , 554reads )
太大材小用了 aspernet   (0 bytes , 314reads )
我现在,还是我说的职位? 蔡厝港有组屋   (105 bytes , 392reads )
工程师 aspernet   (0 bytes , 272reads )
国内的人技术比这边强得多,又便宜。何必舍近求远 马丙   (0 bytes , 280reads )
应该是阅历跟语言上的优势吧。。 watercooler   (25 bytes , 325reads )
到处在找的,像杭州的人才,已经被阿里集团翻了一遍又一遍了。。。 aspernet   (32 bytes , 522reads )
我有个亲戚在国内军校当正教授,少将军衔,薪水不过7000,房子不如我组屋大。 昌昊   (204 bytes , 1073reads )
老实讲,我不是单单因为钱。。。 aspernet   (689 bytes , 834reads )
这1才是做IT人应该有的想法,支持, 不过 beerguy   (47 bytes , 442reads )
两万买不到市区的。不过,可以租嘛~。 树冷   (0 bytes , 233reads )
2万一平米也只能买很一般的房子,就是房子贵了点 aspernet   (212 bytes , 507reads )
呵呵,像昊老这样的投资高手,当然还是在新加坡赚的多 香陵居士   (94 bytes , 435reads )
我听说的有点不一样。 蔡厝港有组屋   (248 bytes , 687reads )
貌似国内退休了是100%吧。。 watercooler   (165 bytes , 424reads )
老师退休也是100%吧。 watercooler   (197 bytes , 327reads )
退休和离休有差别   (0 bytes , 249reads )
要有军功才可以。 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 284reads )
加班非常多我相信,但才不相信薪水和新加坡相似的鬼话。 小眼儿   (134 bytes , 653reads )
新加坡的公司不给股份啊,就算给了,有几个会上市? aspernet   (30 bytes , 467reads )
呵呵,我认识A大,他说的是事实,不过package估计要谈了才拿得到。 蔡厝港有组屋   (27 bytes , 528reads )
也是参考以前的薪水的,都一样 aspernet   (0 bytes , 392reads )
挺好,这要求都靠谱 DSO   (22 bytes , 311reads )
i would like to know how many such ppl exist in singapore darkart   (13 bytes , 445reads )
只要能进来不出2年一定把你培养成牛人。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 319reads )
牛人就是这样的。。。 darkart   (70 bytes , 479reads )
darkart   (70 bytes , 446reads )
A兄,2个问题 蔡厝港有组屋   (99 bytes , 476reads )
蔡兄,见内: aspernet   (345 bytes , 537reads )
招聘单位是网上银行新秀,第三方支付公司: 支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司 aspernet   (101 bytes , 687reads )
金融界专业人士也招。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 354reads )
老A?数据中心招人不? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 294reads )
招的, 你要来帮你推荐啊 aspernet   (0 bytes , 265reads )
好啊,有什么职位? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 271reads )
这样快速成长的企业,什么职位都有啊。。。 aspernet   (30 bytes , 419reads )
2010年支付宝员工翻了一翻到2000多人,2011年还要翻一番的 aspernet   (79 bytes , 553reads )