I2R招聘Scientist/Research Engineer
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2014-02-07 09:34

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I2R现有Scientist/Research Engineer的职位空缺,主要工作内容是wifi and cellular based localization, as well as data fusion with GPS and inertial sensors。Scientist要求PHD degree or thesis submitted,Research Engineer要求有master or bachelor degree。如果你有兴趣,请将简历发送至zhangli835@gmail.com。具体要求如下:


Job Description: You will work in the area of intelligent transport system and apply your knowledge in algorithm design, systems design and development to develop solutions for vehicle localization based on multiple sensory devices such as WiFi, Cell ID, Gyro, GPS and DSRC.

Qualification: A PhD, Master or Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related fields

Work Experience: At least 3 years of experience in algorithm design for localization; Candidates with experience in network and communications are preferred

Technical Skills: C, C++, Matlab, network simulation, data fusion algorithms, localization algorithms

Soft Skills: Good team player; Able to grasp ideas and requirements fast and translate them into practical solutions; Good spoken and written communication skills

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