case study - 很长
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2014-04-04 12:09

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Case : How Come They Make More Than I Do?

 Background Information

 Fran Jefferson began her job as the supervisor of the Training Department of Metro Bank and Trust Company almost four years ago. She was generally pleased with the four trainers and one secretary in her unit. Indeed, Fran took pride in her ability to create a high-morale and high-performance unit. This was particularly pleasing to Fran because they were constantly busy and barely able to keep up with the volume of training expected from them.

 Then, early on Wednesday morning, Fran’s secretary, Judy Martin, knocked on Fran’s door and asked to see her. Fran liked Judy and considered the secretary to be one of her “stars.” Indeed, in an effort to develop Judy’s talents and abilities, Fran had gone out of her way to give Judy special assignments, including her in all the major planning activities of the department and entrusting her with the administration of certain departmental programs, such as tuition assistance and evaluation follow-through. By now, Judy functioned more as an administrative aide than as a secretary.

 It was clear that Judy was upset about something as she seated herself in the chair next to Fran’s desk. Slowly, Judy placed a job-posting application form in front of Fran. She would not look her supervisor in the eyes.

 Fran was surprised, to say the least. As far as Fran knew, Judy liked both her job and working in the Training Department. In turn, everyone else in the department liked and respected Judy.

 Fran looked over the form and said casually, “So you want to post for the executive secretary job in the Branch Management Division.” She paused. “Could I ask you for some additional information, Judy? I’m kind of surprised.”

 Judy looked at her clasped hands, thinking. Fran waited.

 Finally, Judy looked up and said: “I noticed in last week’s job posting that the executive secretary position is graded as a 14. Now that’s two grades higher than my job!”

 She caught her breath. “You know my friend Mary Johnson works over there. She told me that half the time the secretary sits around doing nothing.”

 Judy continued, gathering some anger in her look and resentment in her voice. “Look, Fran, you know how hard I work, how hard we all work, around here. I mean, I’m always busy. I don’t see why I should work in a job graded at a 12 and work twice as hard and yet not be paid the same as that secretary. The requirements for the job are just a little higher than mine, and the merit raise you gave me last month hardly helped at all.”

 Fran listened, then she replied: “It sounds to me, Judy, that you’re feeling angry because you think you should be paid more for the work you do and that you want to switch jobs rather than put up with things as they are. Am I right?”

 Judy nodded her head in agreement.

 Fran knew, though, that the Metro job evaluation system was up to date and that the executive secretary position to which Judy referred did require additional background experience, skills, and responsibilities beyond what was needed in Judy’s current job. Because her secretary was such a good employee and a nice person, Fran was quite concerned. She felt strongly that moving to the executive secretary job would not be what Judy really wanted, and she hated to lose Judy, especially if her decision was based on faulty reasoning and the move would not be good for her.

 Fran tried to figure out what to do.

 Case Questions 


 1.   What are the reasons given by Judy Martin for wanting to post for a position in another department? Which points are accurate and which are debatable?

 2.   How should Fran respond to Judy’s request to transfer?

 3.   How should Fran respond to Judy’s salary complaints?

Case Discussion: How Come They Make More Than I Do?

 Answers to Case Questions

1. What are the reasons given by Judy Martin for wanting to post for a position in another department? Which points are accurate and which are debatable? 

 Judy’s line of reasoning is as follows:

a. Her recent merit increase was not adequate enough reward for her hard work.

This is Judy’s opinion, and for her, it is true.

b. There is an open position that would pay much more than what she is making now.

It is true that this open position would pay her more than she is making now.

c. She has heard that the job in question is easier to do than the one she has now.

Unfortunately, this point is misleading and probably wrong. Her information is based on hearsay. In fact, grade differences of three levels mean these jobs require higher levels of talent, initiative, and responsibility. Judy has confused being busy with working at a higher level of difficulty.

d. Therefore, she wants to get an easier, higher paying job by moving to that new position.

She might get a higher paying job, but it would not likely be an easier job.

2. How should Fran respond to Judy’s request to transfer? 

 In many job-posting systems, the posting employee is required to notify his or her supervisor of the intention to post for a position. However, the employee is not required to obtain the supervisor’s permission. To the extent that this rule applies here, Fran cannot do anything but pass along the posting application.

 However, it would be prudent of Fran to help Judy make the best career decision in this manner. While agreeing to move the job-posting application along, Fran should also counsel Judy. First, she should encourage Judy to do some career and job informational interviewing. For example, Judy should be encouraged to meet with people in the other department to learn what they really do. Second, she needs to think about what she wants in a job. Finally, Fran should explain to Judy that the jobs are graded differently because there are real and significant differences in the jobs. She should caution Judy that hearsay can be misleading and that she should look at the executive secretary position in terms of levels of skills and accountability, not just in terms of dollar differences.

3. How should Fran respond to Judy’s salary complaints? 

 It is likely that Judy is motivated in part by her anger and resentment over what she sees as an inadequate recognition of her hard work. Fran should work to communicate her appreciation for Judy’s contributions. In addition, Fran needs to note that Judy is performing a job that is higher than the job for which she was hired. Judy should institute a job re-evaluation request.


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只加薪不升职,失望中 vickychen   (170 bytes , 5632reads )
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加薪范围肯定看公司本身。 vickychen   (112 bytes , 90reads )
只加钱不升值这是我梦寐已求得,这样多好啊。 头大   (624 bytes , 91reads )
Lz 期望值太高了。放低点幸福感就高了。 Q+Q   (212 bytes , 143reads )
老板mgmt skills太差,竟然说这种话! vickychen   (108 bytes , 115reads )
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是这样的,平时就时不时有新的tasks,通常没有适合的人选都会assign给我。 vickychen   (191 bytes , 94reads )
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给我加薪10%的话,管它升不升职. Copy猫   (0 bytes , 87reads )
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其实责任本来就灰常灰常大所以对于同学们讲的升职责任加大等 vickychen   (18 bytes , 74reads )
那比起只升职不加薪你选择哪个 小诺基亚   (0 bytes , 59reads )
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高啥。。 在CBD就是讨饭的水平 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 65reads )
想想广大不加薪不升职还巨苦逼的phd们 想去撒哈拉的鱼   (22 bytes , 90reads )
PhD有前途啊 vickychen   (0 bytes , 113reads )
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加薪好!恭喜楼主,别再纠结职位啦 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 85reads )
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同学,那就找机会跳槽吧 vickychen   (0 bytes , 94reads )
有10%加薪不错啦 Cathykl   (106 bytes , 119reads )
亲你最好了最会安慰人了。 vickychen   (25 bytes , 87reads )
刚加薪是最好的找工作时机 泡妞泡面   (0 bytes , 94reads )
此话怎讲? vickychen   (0 bytes , 89reads )
比如 泡妞泡面   (101 bytes , 100reads )
职位一样不折腾了。 vickychen   (50 bytes , 106reads )
我公司最近有个姐姐升职了 Cathykl   (277 bytes , 107reads )
狂拍最后一句 vickychen   (54 bytes , 74reads )
我也是,老板认为title不重要,重要的是做好工作,呵呵 dazhong0703   (0 bytes , 115reads )
感觉就是不给名分 小寒   (14 bytes , 80reads )
我认为重要,尤其对找下一份工作。 vickychen   (0 bytes , 86reads )
老板也猜你这么想,所以不要提拔你,嘿嘿 dazhong0703   (0 bytes , 93reads )
外面找到好的照样走! vickychen   (4 bytes , 57reads )
那老板太聪明了 纱姿   (21 bytes , 122reads )
我想这也是加薪不升职的重要原因之一 vickychen   (0 bytes , 83reads )
加薪是王道啊 西瓜芒果好吃   (197 bytes , 194reads )
加薪不升职不见得不好~ Delacroix   (22 bytes , 162reads )
哈哈主要是原来期望比较高的,努力没有换来想要的。 vickychen   (41 bytes , 114reads )
你们公司这么好 小寒   (52 bytes , 85reads )
7,8年从BA直接到manager是吗? vickychen   (0 bytes , 69reads )
如果你本来就是manager 纱姿   (63 bytes , 91reads )
我要是manager 小寒   (48 bytes , 76reads )
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升职不加薪,极品公司! vickychen   (0 bytes , 96reads )
一样升职不加薪的路过 柠檬茶   (115 bytes , 132reads )
公司怎么就好意思给人升职却不加薪呢? vickychen   (36 bytes , 97reads )
升职不加薪就是赌球时bet with mouth 柠檬茶   (169 bytes , 97reads )
握爪 小寒   (14 bytes , 71reads )
公司好奸诈啊,升职不加薪看来是变相压榨啊 vickychen   (0 bytes , 106reads )
加薪多少? 纱姿   (251 bytes , 88reads )
10%。明年太远了,不一定有那个耐心。 vickychen   (62 bytes , 87reads )
呵呵谢谢安慰 vickychen   (0 bytes , 97reads )
据大老板说有人在她目前说过我很会搞politics,虽然她不相信。 vickychen   (138 bytes , 139reads )
羡慕加薪啊。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 108reads )
base太低,大老板都看不下去了,亲自提出adjustment。 vickychen   (135 bytes , 113reads )
我也经历过这样的情况 Aether   (183 bytes , 108reads )
很有责任感的人,所以除了金钱也重视工作的成就感 + 10086 vickychen   (132 bytes , 110reads )
人往高处走 Aether   (24 bytes , 90reads )
没旁敲侧隐的问问升职的事? 肉食动物   (0 bytes , 155reads )
知道不会升职了。 vickychen   (44 bytes , 107reads )
喜欢并且有前途的话就继续 要不然可以找找看 大大   (0 bytes , 91reads )
喜欢,有前途,不过很辛苦,常加班,主要是事情多人手不够。 vickychen   (24 bytes , 100reads )
那就找其他工作吧 Adabada   (40 bytes , 84reads )
嗯需要一个老板签类似testimonial的东西才能申请认证,还有processing time。 vickychen   (34 bytes , 94reads )
喜欢就继续吧 升职是 大大   (269 bytes , 99reads )
关键是我以为水到渠成。 vickychen   (56 bytes , 108reads )
升职名额是不是有qouta的? SCube   (166 bytes , 96reads )
同学,你也很appreciate你的老板你的公司 vickychen   (6 bytes , 94reads )
我的情况具体还不知道,谁卡了未知。 vickychen   (193 bytes , 89reads )