Digital IC Design Engineer
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2014-05-09 17:38

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You will be part of the Macrocell Development Team responsible for designing and/or verifying secure IPs including communication protocols (SPI, I2C, USB, SWP, etc…), memory management unit and cryptographic algorithms (EDES, AES, etc…).
You are expected to be experienced / skilled in one or more of the following areas:
- Hardware Design Language, such as VHDL or Verilog;
- Digital simulation
- Synthesis and static timing analysis

Masters / Bachelor's Degree in Electronics' Engineering with more than 2 years relevant experience

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
公司刚发的招聘信息,半导体相关的,有感兴趣的可以看一下 Copy猫   (407 bytes , 3699reads )
现在这个招聘启事还有效吗? bear_suey   (29 bytes , 78reads )
对不起,我好像已经给你回过邮件了,你查收一下 Copy猫   (80 bytes , 65reads )
你好楼主 owen1949   (124 bytes , 62reads )
楼主你好,请问你们现在还招人么? zeussword   (0 bytes , 93reads )
猎头咨询 z080312   (88 bytes , 141reads )
对这份工作很感兴趣 七七的七七   (196 bytes , 76reads )
楼主你们公司是不是坚决不要外国人? 熊猫mm   (0 bytes , 113reads )
没有吧,拿自己身边的情形说 Copy猫   (139 bytes , 82reads )
已发私信,求推荐 msppmspp   (28 bytes , 130reads )
因为这几个职位在jobsdb链接过期了, 可以帮你转发给HR Copy猫   (76 bytes , 179reads )
Supply Chain Analyst Copy猫   (696 bytes , 155reads )
Firmware Engineer Copy猫   (902 bytes , 112reads )
Digital IC Design Engineer Copy猫   (550 bytes , 80reads )
问了下HR,现阶段不接受fresh graduate... Copy猫   (566 bytes , 93reads )
求具体信息~~楼主好人一生平安· sweetcynthia17   (0 bytes , 89reads )
jobsdb链接好像昨天关掉了, 刚跟HR确认, 还有不少空缺,有兴趣的话私下联系我吧 Copy猫   (35 bytes , 109reads )
请问现在STM的行情怎么样 leo25   (135 bytes , 153reads )
楼主可以给supply chain analyst 的申请链接吗?谢谢! rhine05   (0 bytes , 98reads )
求具体信息 Krystal葡萄   (32 bytes , 118reads )
你要哪个职位的具体信息?或者说哪几个职位 Copy猫   (0 bytes , 70reads )
Test engineer Krystal葡萄   (34 bytes , 123reads )
没问题,明天我都发给你,现在到家了 Copy猫   (0 bytes , 78reads )
求私信信息 小麦0409   (27 bytes , 72reads )
thanks! Krystal葡萄   (6 bytes , 126reads )
很感兴趣 北雁南飞   (111 bytes , 118reads )