所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2014-05-11 15:17

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Teaching in a Secondary School

It is preferred that you majored in 2 teaching subjects in university. However, you may still be considered if you have only 1 teaching subject. For a subject to be considered a main teaching subject, it must be read as a major up to YEAR 3 of your degree programme. For the second teaching subject, you must have read it in Year 1 level or at least 2 modules of it in any of the 3 years at university.


Exception to the 2-subjects guideline: If you wish to teach any of the Mother Tongue Languages, you need to have read a major in the respective Mother Tongue Language. There is no need for a second teaching subject.


Degree holders with teaching subjects in Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics are strongly encouraged to teach at the secondary school level. Those with general degrees will teach at only the primary school level. If you have excellent grades in General Paper at ‘AO’ Level, you may be considered for teaching English Language at the Secondary level.


Secondary level teacher candidates will undergo a 1-year Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programme at NIE. You will undergo training in the methodology for teaching at the secondary / JC level. Upon graduating from NIE, you will have to serve a 3-year bond. Besides teaching, trained teachers are also expected to take up Co-Curricular Activities and other duties at the principal’s request.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
毕业一年还找不到工作,含泪求介绍~~ EricChan   (138 bytes , 17854reads )
加油! joy517   (49 bytes , 108reads )
你可以的! EricChan   (13 bytes , 108reads )
真心恭喜楼主!! 留守妈妈   (15 bytes , 117reads )
楼主好样的! letitgo   (13 bytes , 70reads )
终于找到工作了.... EricChan   (227 bytes , 194reads )
同为化学专业,恭喜楼主! JUJUJU   (5 bytes , 58reads )
恭喜楼主~ natalieeee   (60 bytes , 82reads )
这个名字有点熟悉啊哈哈 EricChan   (35 bytes , 110reads )
这样做不好。。不好。。 natalieeee   (60 bytes , 86reads )
好呀好呀 yaoweiyu   (0 bytes , 111reads )
XD? natalieeee   (5 bytes , 88reads )
看下我在不在新加坡咯~ EricChan   (21 bytes , 94reads )
恭喜了 x4   (4 bytes , 90reads )
楼主诠释了 坚持就是胜利。 vickychen   (6 bytes , 79reads )
感谢你 EricChan   (22 bytes , 80reads )
恭喜了! 喜欢吃火锅   (61 bytes , 72reads )
说的没错 EricChan   (22 bytes , 87reads )
恭喜 micomama   (6 bytes , 70reads )
谢谢! EricChan   (9 bytes , 80reads )
瞅瞅多少phd才小厂干个engineer的工作,你个master就要R&D,才明白什么叫辱没先人啊 mingmingcai   (0 bytes , 116reads )
加油! 小富兰克   (30 bytes , 58reads )
加油! SkyBlue042   (138 bytes , 85reads )
从技术员做起吧,先进了相关行业的公司再说,有本事终究会被公司提拔的。 清风一叶   (0 bytes , 70reads )
要不读博士吧 CAICAI20   (18 bytes , 97reads )
站短我联系方式,有人要招化学的。@EricChan 留名   (0 bytes , 101reads )
谁招啊,也介绍给我好吗? CAICAI20   (10 bytes , 82reads )
楼主,请尽快查看站内短消息。 iyashua   (28 bytes , 93reads )
楼主要做chemical sales么 Secure   (22 bytes , 100reads )
冒昧想问一下您还能否帮我介绍一下chemical sales的职位吗? vanflying   (289 bytes , 117reads )
还要介绍工作吗? minority   (213 bytes , 68reads )
感觉论坛里的热心人好多 brilliantjacky   (31 bytes , 75reads )
还可以介绍么 阿狸与荒堂   (113 bytes , 72reads )
很感激,十分想去 vanflying   (183 bytes , 113reads )
我去是学弟/妹啊 南瓜同学   (4 bytes , 77reads )
您是化工学长/姐吗? vanflying   (0 bytes , 109reads )
是啊 我之前跟学妹聊了 南瓜同学   (30 bytes , 55reads )
非常坑爹的一个专业 vanflying   (34 bytes , 113reads )
哈哈哈哈 能进石油还不错 南瓜同学   (52 bytes , 70reads )
今年更少,因为油气猥琐。。。 vanflying   (0 bytes , 104reads )
猥琐 哈哈哈笑死我了啦 南瓜同学   (34 bytes , 65reads )
您好,我有兴趣 EricChan   (13 bytes , 85reads )
加油吧 大B   (102 bytes , 83reads )
看来CHEMISTRY是遍地开花啊...... 小Zhi   (0 bytes , 72reads )
同类,学化学的悲催。 shoey   (16 bytes , 97reads )
先修改你的resume 墨桐   (178 bytes , 100reads )
简历我让人修改过,cover letter也有写 EricChan   (50 bytes , 88reads )
你可以去当理工学院的老师 墨桐   (66 bytes , 128reads )
有投过 EricChan   (20 bytes , 95reads )
你找到什么工作了?什么industry? voletta   (4 bytes , 126reads )
我找到工作和我专业不对口 墨桐   (43 bytes , 116reads )
求问,这cover letter要怎么写? 我是双鱼座岚   (46 bytes , 85reads )
cover letter其实挺讲究的 墨桐   (107 bytes , 149reads )
CAICAI20   (73 bytes , 114reads )
所以我觉得提这建议的有点坑楼主啊 liuzzzzzzzz   (142 bytes , 115reads )
哦对了 南瓜同学   (36 bytes , 91reads )
你总结的很到位 南瓜同学   (145 bytes , 111reads )
try this: www.pfizer.com.sg 五木之主   (0 bytes , 115reads )
我看到好像pfizer只要citizen 或者PR。。。 九唯   (183 bytes , 109reads )
谢谢! EricChan   (0 bytes , 80reads )
pfizer不好进吧。。求内推啊 orwe   (0 bytes , 103reads )
为职业发展的话,还是回国比较好吧 SigmaC   (2 bytes , 78reads )
我也是SCIENCE的,不过是本科而已。 凌紫幻玥   (56 bytes , 117reads )
楼主首先要学会包装自己 新股新人   (714 bytes , 123reads )
受益匪浅 EricChan   (76 bytes , 82reads )
突然好恐慌~=_= Marukoxixi   (63 bytes , 112reads )
插一句 WXL   (111 bytes , 88reads )
他/她没有说是理工学院的diploma 这里很热   (52 bytes , 101reads )
gradute diploma是什么 WXL   (18 bytes , 79reads )
介于本科和硕士之间的一个学历 这里很热   (90 bytes , 84reads )
彻底晕了哦 WXL   (47 bytes , 87reads )
老大,你的google坏了吗 这里很热   (489 bytes , 84reads )
我是学渣 WXL   (35 bytes , 104reads )
楼上有人提到当老师 nestser   (31 bytes , 126reads )
谢谢~ EricChan   (12 bytes , 74reads )
同道中人呀 Sarina   (112 bytes , 150reads )
所以我也在考虑回去 EricChan   (28 bytes , 87reads )
都一年了 Sarina   (22 bytes , 88reads )
坚持就是胜利! EricChan   (11 bytes , 85reads )
求问 minnie_minnie   (14 bytes , 66reads )
看你对哪行有兴趣了 Sarina   (54 bytes , 92reads )
做老师啊 斑蝥   (237 bytes , 144reads )
我对自己的教学能力不太有信心 EricChan   (14 bytes , 79reads )
那你是教的什么科目呢? 这里很热   (505 bytes , 119reads )
不好意思哦, 玲珑蟹   (75 bytes , 82reads )
在这里 这里很热   (2018 bytes , 105reads )
现在当老师也不好申请了 我是双鱼座岚   (29 bytes , 103reads )
同一年~我准备回学校先找个职位呆着 williamabc   (0 bytes , 102reads )
楼主有意做PO,RA之类的研究工作吗? lavaing127   (48 bytes , 131reads )
这些也不容易了 这里很热   (305 bytes , 79reads )
有就先做着吧 EricChan   (22 bytes , 70reads )
可能相关专业不景气 flying866   (168 bytes , 123reads )
这个我试过了 EricChan   (66 bytes , 82reads )
你当MA是大白菜吗 小佛   (0 bytes , 82reads )
MA要看哪一年 信长   (237 bytes , 87reads )
此话怎讲? flying866   (0 bytes , 86reads )
no offense 小佛   (59 bytes , 75reads )
虽写的无专业限制 南瓜同学   (98 bytes , 75reads )
公立本科 进都竞争头破血流啊 liuzzzzzzzz   (97 bytes , 98reads )
虽说专业不限,但其实基本也就都是在那些金融相关的专业了 榣山遗韵   (62 bytes , 90reads )
现在外国人真的那么难找工作吗? 纱姿   (22 bytes , 144reads )
还真有此打算 EricChan   (30 bytes , 111reads )
拿不到面试,肯定是简历写得有问题 AmericanEn   (32 bytes , 150reads )
已经找过人改了 EricChan   (28 bytes , 108reads )
不介意做销售 x4   (47 bytes , 118reads )
对保险行业不感兴趣的说.... EricChan   (0 bytes , 111reads )
那还是先投专业相关的吧 x4   (6 bytes , 94reads )
少年 Johor   (13 bytes , 101reads )
蛋定 tomorrow11   (28 bytes , 136reads )
谢谢安慰 EricChan   (20 bytes , 98reads )
摸摸。。 BekiUrsa   (41 bytes , 106reads )
欲哭无泪 EricChan   (25 bytes , 106reads )
lz目前啥本地签证? Aether   (5 bytes , 98reads )
目前拿long term visit pass EricChan   (0 bytes , 122reads )