新公司EP approve了,今天刚辞职,又拿到PR approve letter了。。。尴尬
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2014-09-18 20:27

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晚上回家就拿到ICA的信,PR approve 了,但是里面几行字吓着我了:
1.e),the attached form(EP152) duly completed by the same employer(as at the time of application). This letter should not be issued more than 2 weeks ago.

24. I have changed employment after submitting my SPR application/receiving my SPR approval. Will it affect the status of my SPR application?
If your SPR application is still under processing, please submit your new work pass togther with the Annex A (to be filled up by your new employer) for our consideration.If your SPR application has been approved, please submit your new work pass together with EP152 (to be filled up by your new employer) for our consideration.

好吧,新公司填EP152就好。但是“for our consideration”这个么意思。。。,意思有可能reject么?有先例的前辈请指示~

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