代替朋友发帖:国际知名高频交易公司,在新加坡招收c++ developer
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2015-06-04 08:37  更多评分:

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代替朋友发帖:国际知名高频交易公司,在新加坡招收c++ developer
“我们是一家国际知名的高频交易公司,现在在本地有一个c++ developer的职位open。

大致要求如下,待遇从优,请有兴趣者email zheng.yu1928@gmail.com 。

Strong Computer programming skills using C++ in a Linux environment

Strong understanding of computer systems e.g. operating systems, networks,

performance optimization, etc

Experience in Object-Oriented design and Multithreaded programming

Experience in creating/supporting cross-platform multithreaded applications

Strong analytical and problem solving skills

Ideally some experience in developing low latency systems ”

请感兴趣的网友直接发邮件、发简历 跟里面的邮箱私下联系。怕各种compliance 的事儿,麻烦不要在论坛八卦公司名字与薪水,谢谢啦

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