7 Reasons Why No One Wants to be an Engineer in Singapore
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2016-05-22 09:48

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
1. Low pay.

2. Low prestige.

3. Engineering faculties/departments are dumping grounds. (What’s the cut off point now?) This is the death spiral.

4. Study so hard for what? The skills needed to get high pay are just: ability to speak well, present fluff well, dress well, socialize well, PowerPoint, Excel (the basics) and Google.

5. If things go wrong, it’s the engineer’s fault. Think software bugs, train breakdowns, etc. Doing sales, marketing, communications, coordination and general admin (aka “management”) seems so much easier.

6. Business owners and clients don’t expect to pay a lot for engineering solutions and talent. They always say, “Let’s outsource to overseas. Let’s hire the cheaper foreign talent.” But they don’t say the same thing when they’re looking for lawyers, doctors and bankers.

7. Retired bankers play golf and drive expensive cars. Retrenched engineers drive taxis.
该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2016-05-22 22:00:03。

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7 Reasons Why No One Wants to be an Engineer in Singapore huasing_er_er   (913 bytes , 4183reads )
反过来看看那些做高管或销售的 宁缺   (790 bytes , 43reads )
我想主要原因是 hudasm   (67 bytes , 45reads )
真是看的人泪都要出来了 vitamin   (0 bytes , 40reads )
总结的很好 avz   (0 bytes , 38reads )
哈哈 toshihiko   (75 bytes , 94reads )
我擦 果然这贴把楼上的逼出来了。。 南瓜小姐123   (24 bytes , 56reads )
其实我本质上 toshihiko   (12 bytes , 112reads )
是吗? 南瓜小姐123   (92 bytes , 45reads )
意淫别人 toshihiko   (14 bytes , 96reads )
最后一句看得要哭了。 微蓝   (0 bytes , 49reads )
真的很有道理 Camty   (490 bytes , 56reads )
Make yourself indisposable 西东南北风   (61 bytes , 48reads )
make your code impossible to read 滚雪球   (218 bytes , 42reads )
哈哈哈哈 HigherOrderJ   (265 bytes , 55reads )
句句诛心 Bamboohhy   (12 bytes , 55reads )
字字珠玑 leonet   (8 bytes , 43reads )
还是有一些人想做也喜欢做engineer的 HigherOrderJ   (232 bytes , 55reads )
Good dnegel   (5 bytes , 39reads )
try to join US companies ttdangdang   (2 bytes , 45reads )
句句诛心 凡人   (0 bytes , 44reads )
So? dnegel   (10 bytes , 54reads )
中肯 卧虎藏龙   (20 bytes , 54reads )
美国欧洲日本 工程师prestige还是很不错 huasing_er_er   (118 bytes , 70reads )
相对土生本地人,中国来的做技术就是有优势。 yanr001   (362 bytes , 61reads )
工程师看行业吧 有些行业圈子少 一个萝卜一个坑 外资公司撤离新加坡的话 三叶草青青   (42 bytes , 36reads )
我想说,从中国来做技术,技术有优势,但工资没有优势 路易十三   (689 bytes , 49reads )
本科在国内读的近几年确实麻烦 yanr001   (421 bytes , 63reads )
多低算low pay happyforyousel   (122 bytes , 72reads )
但是一般工程师不太需要和太多外人打交道。 yanr001   (271 bytes , 67reads )
唉 好伤感 小子子   (31 bytes , 57reads )
very good point bigmice   (38 bytes , 48reads )