I think thinking(without reference support)
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2016-05-27 09:53

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is randomly logical stuff, random because there are many paths and many interruptions to particular result, logical because after practice and training, better and high probability path for result may emerge

if sou exists, all the chemical and physical reaction above in brain layer should not exist, because processing unit should be out of the body but in other place just like client and server(cloud) mode.

Virtual reality, you can build a world vivid like what we are experiencing now if you born with perception of current physical world. Chips in your brain can emulate all signal of your perception and sense and combine the super reality of interaction and view in the game world, so that you can not distinguish the virtual from the reality. I you are born with virtual reality chip implanted in your brain, even the virtual is completely fantastic and different from our physical world, you can not easily recognize it because you have adapted to it just like you can not judge whether you are in a dream even with different identity.

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今天看了一份博士申请简历,受刺激了。 ttdangdang   (730 bytes , 8664reads )
Define dnegel   (33 bytes , 46reads )
I was not asking u to define them dnegel   (268 bytes , 40reads )
Michael Parenti有本书关于media的 HigherOrderJ   (91 bytes , 30reads )
还有一部 “符号学” dnegel   (5 bytes , 38reads )
so deep, so broad HigherOrderJ   (55 bytes , 25reads )
有一点枯燥 dnegel   (70 bytes , 29reads )
枯燥是一种主观感受 HigherOrderJ   (118 bytes , 35reads )
我看你受的刺激,比我还大。 ttdangdang   (34 bytes , 82reads )
赫赫,推荐楼主看发散思维 dnegel   (265 bytes , 48reads )
thanks. 我一直在摸索如何创新,包括听古典音乐。 ttdangdang   (148 bytes , 74reads )
不在于知识在于思维 dnegel   (87 bytes , 25reads )
死板教条封闭 dnegel   (196 bytes , 34reads )
哦,我也感到刺激 hhkxy   (20 bytes , 32reads )
这是申请博士,不是申请博后? tohguan   (40 bytes , 44reads )
六七还行。 ruhemut   (97 bytes , 46reads )
爬完楼我只能说。。。花式装逼哪家强? 小妖霖霖   (14 bytes , 33reads )
:))) dnegel   (10 bytes , 38reads )
其实我觉得一般啊 guge   (12 bytes , 37reads )
会一点儿的都可以往简历上放吧 刘绪国   (193 bytes , 55reads )
我简历特简单,只有公司名字和工作头衔 dnegel   (36 bytes , 47reads )
像你这样的人,都是招人,而非求职 刘绪国   (22 bytes , 40reads )
是的,也不是 dnegel   (52 bytes , 39reads )
:) dnegel   (4 bytes , 37reads )
NUS有个工科教授是文科出身... 凡人   (42 bytes , 75reads )
哈哈,知道是谁。泡沫给人机会。。。 明年今日   (87 bytes , 47reads )
太过奖了,让我做科研肯定不行... 凡人   (18 bytes , 49reads )
u r humble dnegel   (89 bytes , 34reads )
if you are so great kingston   (97 bytes , 24reads )
虚拟语气用的对吗? dnegel   (93 bytes , 33reads )
so you kingston   (84 bytes , 39reads )
Define dnegel   (34 bytes , 34reads )
I think thinking(without reference support) kingston   (1047 bytes , 44reads )
thinking kingston   (1060 bytes , 43reads )
Pls read your post again dnegel   (60 bytes , 33reads )
大概知道你说的是谁了 robinz   (52 bytes , 67reads )
我大学同班同学第一年考上大学文科专业没去读,第二年考上清华电机系 沃西山人   (96 bytes , 47reads )
岛国人少,很多岗位都是硬上,按照中国的选拔标准,很多都不合格呢 Lion_sg   (98 bytes , 47reads )
还有一个毕业了的德国哥们 ttdangdang   (101 bytes , 60reads )
做家具啊,哈哈,这个我不会,他鲁班啊 dnegel   (81 bytes , 46reads )
唉,我不好泄露别人隐私,要不我自己得瑟吧 dnegel   (1210 bytes , 62reads )
收下膝盖 小馋牛   (33 bytes , 31reads )
赫赫,其实这只是九牛一毛罢了,对应楼主的各个items dnegel   (1266 bytes , 41reads )
你好能写。。。。 小馋牛   (6 bytes , 38reads )
:) dnegel   (5 bytes , 28reads )
太厉害了 HigherOrderJ   (27 bytes , 43reads )
因为是我自己的os 以及自己做的compiler dnegel   (421 bytes , 42reads )
太厉害了 HigherOrderJ   (128 bytes , 38reads )
软体尽管外表变了,但硬体一直没有大变,还是老旧的 dnegel   (1677 bytes , 33reads )
interesting HigherOrderJ   (253 bytes , 57reads )
不用键盘的吧 dnegel   (40 bytes , 35reads )
这个确实挺厉害的。 guge   (82 bytes , 35reads )
:)) dnegel   (10 bytes , 30reads )
厉害 刘绪国   (14 bytes , 31reads )
哈哈 dnegel   (4 bytes , 42reads )
这样的人才来新加坡浪费了 小华10007285   (0 bytes , 44reads )
上周末去空军展 luodewei   (137 bytes , 64reads )
95年的就会飞,比我牛 dnegel   (60 bytes , 70reads )
准确说是F-15SG,这是美国专门为新加坡customize的 dnegel   (174 bytes , 73reads )
新加坡军队干嘛的? guge   (22 bytes , 31reads )
现在明白了,二战结束后,美国为什么要派特工去德国了。 ttdangdang   (91 bytes , 55reads )
bingo dnegel   (63 bytes , 41reads )
贸然评论一下 dnegel   (1149 bytes , 71reads )
略心酸 何搞笑   (41 bytes , 36reads )
sorry to say that could 1800 SGD this month dnegel   (280 bytes , 44reads )
exo me?! 何搞笑   (18 bytes , 37reads )
你好厉害哦~! 宅宅   (22 bytes , 37reads )
:) dnegel   (5 bytes , 32reads )
哪里都有你啊 雁南追啊追   (28 bytes , 45reads )
不是贬低是评论 dnegel   (45 bytes , 32reads )
拜托,把这些skill组合在一起,就不是钱能衡量的了。 ttdangdang   (3 bytes , 50reads )
这些skill组合在一起能干啥你说,瑞士军刀吗。。 typhoonzj   (170 bytes , 62reads )
藕,有点意思 dnegel   (50 bytes , 37reads )
以前也听过德国的学生牛… piaopiao6732   (28 bytes , 43reads )
想想:这个8000万人口的小国,为什么能把欧洲翻两遍。 ttdangdang   (2 bytes , 45reads )
我不是加了500块吗?楼主是学霸吧? dnegel   (29 bytes , 35reads )
哪里刺激了 kingston   (6 bytes , 41reads )
申请哪里的博士 二荆条   (18 bytes , 49reads )