所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2016-08-24 21:23

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Marine Supply
Received Local Purchase Material Request (LPMR) from requestors as per specifications.
Sourced, selected and negotiated for the best purchase package in terms of quality, price, terms, deliveries and services with the supplier.
Devised quotations, sent inquiry, received incoming and outgoing calls as well as fax and emails from the suppliers.
Prepared purchase requisition and local purchase order for all departments and branches.
Encoded local purchase order number and purchase requisition with vendors.
Applied reference in LPMR and attached it with quotations.
Dispatched/received all local purchase order to/from concerned authority.
Prepared copies and faxed all local purchase orders to suppliers, stores, workshops and branches.
Encoded all reference of purchase requisition and local purchase order number, requisition number, vendors’ names and accordingly forwarded necessary documents to accounts department for payment processing.
Coordinated with suppliers to ensure on-time delivery and receipt of invoices and delivery notes from them.
Attached invoices and delivery notes to local purchase ordered as well as checked the details of materials delivered.
Encoded invoices and delivery note numbers, dates and total value of invoice for Material Received Reports (MPR).
Received MPR documents, verified numbers/dates and prepared list of documents to be sent to the accounting department.
Executed and monitored all regular purchasing duties, including verifying petty cash fund and filling as well as securing confidential files of the company.
Handle procurement documentation in order to maintain detailed records.
Develop and execute procurement strategies for purchasing of manufactured items and raw materials.
Analyze vendor quotes and select products from suppliers based on price and quality.
Negotiate shipping and receiving contracts ensuring on time delivery for critical inventory.
Review purchasing agreements to find errors, detect commissions, identify price changes and eliminate duplication.
Ensuring that all purchase orders are logged.
Processing payments and invoices.
Developing relationships with suppliers.
Following up with suppliers concerning delivery times.
  Reviewing proposals for competitive pricing, lead time and quality.
Overseeing the execution of purchase orders
Monitoring the cost and performance of major suppliers.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
央企招聘Shipping Executive/Manager一名,欢迎oil surveyor Megan   (1321 bytes , 2303reads )
经常上船 老唐僧   (56 bytes , 57reads )
感谢大家关注,招聘已结束 Megan   (20 bytes , 52reads )
hi Novart   (165 bytes , 76reads )
应聘 老唐僧   (2436 bytes , 67reads )
层主是purchaser的经验 呼啦笑   (85 bytes , 43reads )
可以给一下HR邮件吗 波仔   (4 bytes , 34reads )
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补充一点,关于工作经验 Megan   (166 bytes , 84reads )
你好,关于你发的那个shipping职位 cschchen   (110 bytes , 75reads )
我们也在找此类职位 xmn   (103 bytes , 42reads )
已短 Megan   (0 bytes , 61reads )