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可以考虑part time degree,而且现在acca不能convert to CA了,lz可以考虑去考ca

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会计专业证书 candy_zhe   (33 bytes , 1683reads )
CA在中国也被认可吗 LongGang   (12 bytes , 45reads )
CA就是新加坡会计证书 本地的 柠檬16   (14 bytes , 217reads )
谢谢 LongGang   (8 bytes , 36reads )
现在木有CPA了,都convert to CA了 shellyshelly   (0 bytes , 38reads )
对的 cardo828   (33 bytes , 86reads )
话说CA到底有啥用啊? Saviola   (5 bytes , 76reads )
ca就是以前的cpa吧 shellyshelly   (0 bytes , 35reads )
这个样子么? candy_zhe   (39 bytes , 32reads )
acca读起来想吐 哆哆   (73 bytes , 119reads )
现在不能全部都不能convert了吗? 柠檬16   (19 bytes , 42reads )
今年尾这次考试全考过了的话还可以convert 哆哆   (12 bytes , 115reads )
已经是degree了… candy_zhe   (0 bytes , 39reads )
CIMA wangjileya   (0 bytes , 46reads )
CIMA是management accountant ratealababa   (48 bytes , 64reads )
那普遍的呢? candy_zhe   (44 bytes , 30reads )
等你考完了,差不多也该沾边管理了,至少是初级管理 wangjileya   (412 bytes , 48reads )
支持CIMA 红薏仁嘟嘟   (124 bytes , 62reads )
just enjoy! wangjileya   (0 bytes , 38reads )
不过谢谢建议,会好好考虑的 candy_zhe   (2 bytes , 34reads )
你如果免考F level的话P level努力一下可以一年半搞定 life_note   (8 bytes , 82reads )
大家怎么可以对自己那么狠,怎么做到的? wangjileya   (19 bytes , 44reads )
就是要狠一点啊 咬咬牙 小橘子cici   (14 bytes , 88reads )
因为楼主说要一年半完成 life_note   (124 bytes , 84reads )
也不算是完全不是吧 candy_zhe   (126 bytes , 32reads )
LZ会计毕业为什么要ACCA啊? 大叔一名   (32 bytes , 59reads )
只有nus/ntu的accountancy可以直接拿CA 柠檬16   (49 bytes , 61reads )
也是要去那个5天的pre-admission course吧 shellyshelly   (14 bytes , 25reads )
嗯 对 柠檬16   (18 bytes , 47reads )
嗯 对 柠檬16   (18 bytes , 44reads )
因为想考证书 candy_zhe   (18 bytes , 56reads )
有基本要求么? candy_zhe   (15 bytes , 38reads )