所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2020-10-19 11:23  评分:

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QA Job Description (职位描述)
1. Understand functional and non-functional requirements of software product, design quality assurance and testing strategies for various different products;
2. Contribute to the planning and construction of a product system architecture, assess risks, resolve the design’s testability and address the system stability;
3. Innovate testing tools, testing technologies, testing platform, testing lifecycle of product R&D, improve the testing efficiency;
4. Involved in testing system setup, technology team planning, construction of testing technology platform;
5. Lead and design technology solution and architecture for system integration test, and push solution deployment and implementation;
6. Responsible for the system integration test in product deployment phase of the development lifecycle, ensure product go-live with high quality;
7. Research new technologies and new methods in testing domain, apply and promote them, improve industry influence

Have experience with programming languages, coding experience and code review, GIT or SVN.
Strong logical thinking, willing to explore; taking the ownership, great team player;

该帖荣获当日十大第8,奖励楼主4分以及6华新币,时间:2020-10-19 22:00:08。

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