所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2021-07-26 20:00  更多评分:

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1、 本地政府大学本科及以上学历,项目管理经验者优先,政治专业、国际关系专业优先;
2、 擅长与人交流,具备较强的组织、协调、中英文沟通、写作能力、应变能力;
3、 根据部门工作安排,能接受弹性制加班及短期回中国出差;
4、 具有较强的资料搜集和学习能力、对学习新知识充满热情,材料撰写能力强;
5、 具有较强的执行力和责任心,能主动合理把握事项推进节奏;
6、 吃苦耐劳且愿意加班者优先
有意向者请通过微信投递简历和参与视频面试,Wechat ID:tim-co

Education Consultant
Part 1. Job Descriptions
Match suitable Singapore-based studying and visiting curriculum, as well as plan schedule for training program according to the customers’ request provided by marketing department, together with hot topics of Chinese current affairs and policy’s new phrases;
Establish connections with political, corporate and business experts as well as with different types of organizations (including but not limited to corporations, legislative organizations, schools etc) according to customers’ request, hot topics of current affairs and needs of product R&D;
Make reservation and liaise with teachers regarding the lecture time and coordinate timing for training groups to visit different organizations, as well as coordinate and arrange the transportation and accommodation for teachers to conduct lectures in China;
Responsible for the operation of programs conducted in the U.S. and other countries;
Assess the quality of curriculum and visiting arrangement, as well as communicate with and provide constructive feedback to the lecturers and visiting organizations, in order to boost customers’ satisfaction continually;
Attend conference activities related to company’s business, broaden upstream and downstream cooperative resources;
Assist teachers and visiting organizations in courseware management.
Part 2. Job Requirements
Bachelor degree or above in local government universities, project management experience will be a strong advantage, major in politics or international relations is preferred;
Possess good communication, organization, coordination and writing skills, fluent in Chinese and English, and being resilient in all circumstances;
Able to work in flexible hours, take short-term business trip to China whenever required, according to work arrangement made by department;
Strong learning ability, good at information gathering, passionate about acquiring new knowledge, able to write good Chinese articles;
Strong execution skills and sense of responsibility, control the pace of project’s progress actively and appropriately;
Priority given for applicants with hardworking attitude and willingness to work overtime.
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $3,000.00 - $4,500.00 per month
本帖已由 scitg2015 在 2021-07-26 20:01:00 时顶起 ---

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