所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2004-12-29 14:35

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though dunno why u lose your temper in the post beolow....i still appretiate your info and help.

"to determine what u want to be...quant, trader, ib" is not easy for me at the i'm quite new now. when i know what i want to be, then choose the course to take may be a much easier...
I am still at the stage of thinking of what to do :)

maybe that's why u think why this *** guy keep asking the same questio without thinking of it carefully by himself first.

whether old or young is not that important, isn't it?...

my juniors always say me old when playing with me :) and they also like to ask me all kinds of funny questions about studying in singapore .... ...

hallo~~ CFA, nice to know you here... and thx for your answer...
sorry to make u unhappy....
cheers :)

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新手职业规划, cfa 和 frm有可比性吗? 小新小白   (252 bytes , 1208reads )
hi, i really wanna know you fool   (65 bytes , 500reads )
不要在这里欺骗小dd or mm :P frpapaya   (53 bytes , 383reads )
i've already switched, doing part-time sale! fool   (60 bytes , 333reads )
but my full-time is still life science mah, so not much change. fool   (45 bytes , 326reads )
Mr CFA 小新小白   (783 bytes , 549reads )
come on, i am not losing my temper, by adding a "!" following my sentence, CFA   (688 bytes , 666reads )
斑竹帮助清理一下吧 小新小白   (639 bytes , 344reads )
if you want you can join us tonight... frpapaya   (77 bytes , 329reads )
sorry ya 小新小白   (116 bytes , 345reads )
fine...we will normally state late as well...hehe...but can not delet frpapaya   (70 bytes , 353reads )
btw u sound pretty young from my observation (forgive me if i am wrong), r u CFA   (143 bytes , 458reads )
thanks 小新小白   (389 bytes , 346reads )
you do sound young...anyway... frpapaya   (241 bytes , 360reads )
oh.. 小新小白   (361 bytes , 297reads )
me is old but younger than CFA...hehe... frpapaya   (419 bytes , 340reads )
then cfa must be very old already, 小新小白   (302 bytes , 321reads )
yes, i AM an old young man pls THINK what u want first! CFA   (63 bytes , 358reads )
Poor guy....want to out for drinks today? don't know dengke is ok or not..... frpapaya   (29 bytes , 259reads )
am ok if u guys r going to Ice Cold . i will be shopping nearby CFA   (0 bytes , 259reads )
okie...will ask dengke to join us... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 194reads )
i say it one more time and one last time, frm only useful if u pursue career in CFA   (20 bytes , 574reads )
then u should be pretty clear which qualification is the most relevant CFA   (25 bytes , 340reads )
huh...? 小新小白   (438 bytes , 295reads )
CFA more versatile but takes much longer...(at least 3 yrs) CFA   (203 bytes , 572reads )
depends on what u want to be...quant, trader, ib, or others.... CFA   (0 bytes , 309reads )
bro小新小白, u sound very confused...could u answer my qn above first? CFA   (0 bytes , 201reads )
2004-12-28 14:51 小新小白   (63 bytes , 334reads )
- 小新小白   (47 bytes , 257reads )
This board is sorted by "last replied" 大象   (0 bytes , 283reads )
oh, i see, thx dx gg 小新小白   (116 bytes , 254reads )
there is no part time master of business bah? 大象   (19 bytes , 277reads )
part time finance? 小新小白   (118 bytes , 267reads )
MFE got part-time one...dont think they r offering M in Fin now.... CFA   (0 bytes , 289reads )
there is a part-time MBA course... CFA   (0 bytes , 242reads )