I feel the same way
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2005-02-18 10:03  评分:

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I major in computer science, now is gathering courage to reconsider my career path, finance is so tempting to resist, haha!

I agree with downstair friends that we all need to make sure whether this is what we really want and whether we're willing to devote time, patience and $$$. Wish u good luck and look forward to more friends sharing their banking experiences.


East and West, home is best.
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请教各位高人,象我这种情况还有希望转吗? zzcry   (508 bytes , 1149reads )
I feel the same way smell_coffee   (377 bytes , 450reads )
why everyone wants to switch career, i worked in banking industry more than five brave_wolf   (102 bytes , 577reads )
其实我只是对finance有兴趣, zzcry   (339 bytes , 449reads )
should ask CFA, he has some real experience of changes...hehe.. frpapaya   (46 bytes , 324reads )
finance 是不是真的比engineering 好啊? no_idea   (354 bytes , 689reads )
每一行都不好混,有得必有失... frpapaya   (45 bytes , 416reads )
严重同意,一分钱,一分货。market is damned efficient! CFA   (0 bytes , 282reads )
So get your lesson? I was screwed by big boss recently, dam demanding... frpapaya   (35 bytes , 452reads )
i am not implying that we get paid for being screwed. it is just that - CFA   (96 bytes , 332reads )
entry level is like that. need to wait for few more years.... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 228reads )
严重同意下面两位说的 海风   (177 bytes , 416reads )
行行出状元,银行工作组真有这嬷好吗? 昌昊   (44 bytes , 491reads )
六岁不小,六十不老。所以肯定是有希望的。 牛魔王   (7 bytes , 306reads )