所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-02-16 22:20

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昌昊兄及各位朋友指点一下哦,哪种选择好? noviceme   (253 bytes , 1050reads )
是不是买了很多,这么着急。 dayin   (737 bytes , 304reads )
如果你想入门,可以看 How to Make Money In Stock Market tangba   (79 bytes , 300reads )
beating the street? materialist   (0 bytes , 172reads )
谢谢dayin. noviceme   (498 bytes , 277reads )
BBR的财务出来了,EPS从05年的0.17分涨到了0.18分,Revenue减18%(net增26%)唉!!! forpc   (126 bytes , 253reads )
forpc,能帮忙分析一下吗,我不是很懂这个,下周股价会作何变化? noviceme   (0 bytes , 164reads )
如果在建筑业萧条时还好,但现在算差的了,随便讨论一下: forpc   (1149 bytes , 260reads )
感谢forpc的分析! noviceme   (840 bytes , 186reads )
惨,它就不能等我卖完再出来呀,唉 noviceme   (0 bytes , 157reads )
corporate tax cut 2%,请教bbr明天的开盘有何影响? noviceme   (78 bytes , 222reads )
corporate tax cut 2%,显然本减利加,但要从2008税务年开始(应该非常吸引新投资) forpc   (43 bytes , 219reads )
金沙招标这周公布,明天就是周五啦.谁帮俺看看现在的TA如何? noviceme   (39 bytes , 235reads )
15了 forpc   (0 bytes , 181reads )
朋友们帮忙看一下以下对bbr的分析,偶真的看不懂,看起来有点复杂呀. noviceme   (2496 bytes , 258reads )
BBR的孙子SP与TL(SK的儿子)及SK合作一起开发相邻的三块地皮 forpc   (0 bytes , 177reads )
那个project对bbr的影响到底有多大? noviceme   (0 bytes , 219reads )
现在股价0.145 forpc   (0 bytes , 146reads )
是0.14now,不知是否能持续 noviceme   (0 bytes , 173reads )
STI下了四十多了. noviceme   (0 bytes , 153reads )
BBR>>>>> TRChina   (183 bytes , 309reads )
UOB KH只是限制并没有禁止BBR交易,个人认为表面原因是价格高,背后就不为人所知了,但 forpc   (1056 bytes , 286reads )
谢谢forpc. noviceme   (0 bytes , 175reads )
& TRChina. noviceme   (0 bytes , 191reads )
个人感觉,这支股前期涨幅巨大,如果损失不大,趁反弹时应坚决买掉。 dayin   (0 bytes , 199reads )
多谢dayin.你说的是,坚决卖掉.北老大在吗,反弹的机会有吗?呵呵 noviceme   (0 bytes , 167reads )
谁清楚bbr周五5:05pm那单3674lots@13是买还是卖呀? noviceme   (137 bytes , 215reads )
bbr好象没看到机构资金持有,这样的个股最坏的情况会是怎么一个情况? noviceme   (0 bytes , 226reads )
我觉得不应去抢反弹,很危险! 昌昊   (17 bytes , 241reads )
不明白呀,呵呵,你是说牛兄说的那个反弹? noviceme   (242 bytes , 237reads )
时间多的话,有票卖空就是了,操作得好不但可以把股份降下来甚至还有赢利 forpc   (25 bytes , 216reads )
只听说short selling无票卖空,有票卖空是怎么个操作法呀,请赐教. noviceme   (77 bytes , 294reads )
有票就不叫卖空了拉! tangba   (16 bytes , 190reads )
BBR如果今天收在13.5,貌似将要有个反弹。 牛魔王   (57 bytes , 219reads )
收在13. noviceme   (0 bytes , 157reads )
嗯,今天密切留意. noviceme   (109 bytes , 208reads )
ho bee, 牛某 no longer anchor since abt half month ago :) 牛魔王   (190 bytes , 258reads )
准备农历年前处理,就下周。 noviceme   (0 bytes , 238reads )
我从来不敢做0。3以下的股,就是因为一个价位引起的波动较大 halley   (268 bytes , 237reads )
谢谢halley. noviceme   (209 bytes , 210reads )